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In some societies, stress is now regarded as a major problem, and it is thought that people suffer from more stress than they did in the past. However, others feel that the amount of stress people have today is exaggerated. They say that previous generations were under more pressure, but the idea of suffering from stress did not exist. Discuss both those views and give your opinion. Today a great number of people throughout the world face the issue of stress. Coined less than a century ago, the phenomenon has now become a major concern, having thousands as scientists and psychologists search for measures to reduce it, and millions as prospective patients concerned about their health. While it is dubbed by many a modern phenomenon, others view it as a modern complaint which was certainly endured by our ancestors, too. Modern life has certainly brought about numerous advantages, but its adverse effects have been far from being negligible. Social media, in particular, has created the need to be constantly connected. Although nowadays our everyday routines such as making a contact to a friend on in the other corner of the world, watching movies and playing video games, or surfing the Internet, the infinite world of information, would have been beyond the comprehension of our grandfathers, this state of convenience may have come at a price. The fact that nowadays an individual is doomed to process a great deal of information in order to compete with others is undeniable. A teenager, for example, in addition to what would have been supposedly meant to learn decades ago, is now obligated to have a fair grasp of current technology or will probably bear the epithet ‘technophobe’. It seems the tranquility of times experienced by previous generations is now a fleeting dream. On the other hand, opponents argue that life has always been hard and stressful. Granted, an overload of information and the speed of global networks have made humans’ lives more complicated, creating a tangled web of problems each of which necessitates a great deal of effort to be resolved, but previous generations’ challenges were as pressing and serious, nonetheless. Going through human history can illuminate the severity of problems from previous eras. Losing a life in preposterous quarrels due to the lack of any civil force to maintain the law, starving out of frequent famines, and wrestling with unknown diseases with bare hands, our ancestors had their fair share of stress. This dilutes the sensibility of the title ‘the age of stress’, leaving us with the doubt: “have stress levels risen from the past or is this sheer hyperbole?” In conclusion, although modernity has introduced introducing new versions of complexity in our life, modernity has opening opened a Pandora’s box of problems which mainly stem from technology, belittling the problems of previous generations and considering stress a modern issue from which humans has have suffered human beings since it was only discovered and gained a name would be a simplification.

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