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Some people believe that face-to-face communication is always more powerful than written communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and include relevant examples. With the advances of new technologies, the popularity of written means of communication such as text messages has been increased. While written messages can, to some extent, leave a profound impression on their readers, I do believe that establishing a contact by uttering words have has more influence on individuals. On one hand, some people cannot engage in verbal conversations especially on their first acquaintance due to their lack of confidence or other problems such as high level of stress, albeit with tendencywillingly. Writing a message would be the best choice for them to put their feelings into words. I have a friend who suffers from a stutter. He is a poet but he always hesitates to take part in conversations. Sending his friends a piece of poetic writing was the way in which he could express himself and interact with others. Moreover, a written message is a more long-lasting one which could be kept in order to reminisce. That individuals normally forget what they heard even from a beloved one after a while is an indisputable fact. For example, I still keep the poems which my friend sent to me as a valuable memento of our friendship. On the other hand, face-to-face contact enables the speaker to interact with his listener and guess his opinion about the subject by observing his behavior and body language. This privilege leads to fewer misunderstandings since the speaker could give more details clarifying his points. In addition, this type of communication transfers feelings more deeply through eye-contacts and also the speaker would be able to alter the tone of his voice or put stress on some parts of his speech which he wants to emphasize more. I do believe that people tend to trust whom they can look at their eyes while speakinglistening. In conclusion, although I concede that the written form of communication has benefits for some, a face-to-face communication will exert stronger influence over them.

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