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Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? No one would be able to find a definite answer to the question of what happiness can be. The reason lies in the different attitudes existing toward the notion. That what makes an individual delighted varies from person to person, though being able to apply some particular measures might bring happiness in its wake. The reason why happiness diverse in different people is because they consider prosperity and satisfaction differently. what makes ones pleasant is not necessarily supposed to make the others as well. A wealthy person, as an example, might long for companionship in his family in order to assume that he has a serene life, while the other person possibly would only think of a job he always yearned for to earn a living. This is why it is next to impossible to pose a fixed and distinct equivalent for happiness. From my point of view, there could be some rudimentary factors which can widen the vision toward feeling delighted in life. Firstly, that what we know about ourselves simply will help us to be aware of our requirements .Since being cheerful is directly linked by fulfilment of our needs, it enables us to change our life for better. Secondly, having a true perspective of life makes it far easier to set the achievable goals. Some might demand for more than what they could ever grant, thereby feeling unsatisfied and discouraged consequently. Finally, let us not forget either that one indisputable factor of being delighted is being contented with our current belongings. The more contentment we find in our lives, the better feeling we might experience(undertake?) Overall, although barely is it possible to define what happiness means in its every sense, various factors such as need- awareness as well as having reasonable desires and being fairly contented are of importance in acquiring it.

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