جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology is now replacing their functions. To what extentd do you agree or disagree? In today's technologically advanced days, construction of the public libraries has been decreased abruptly. This phenomenon is mainly caused by the advent of the computer technology which has led virtual libraries to take the place of real ones. Undoubtedly, this breakthrough has progressed the way of accessing adequate reading resources, nonetheless it brings major obstacles for the readers. Libraries seem to have been predominantly built to present an array of paperbased resources for readers. Although there are numerous e-books available on the internet, and also large numbers of gadgets, say iPad or Amazon's kindle which have enhanced reading e-books, electronic magazines and newspapers, people mostly become more satisfied when they read their paper version of them. They appeal to individuals mostmore, since they are touchable, and they cause less pain in eyes or the other organs. Besides, this way of reading is more nostalgic, and gives a more decent feeling for readers. They are able to see how many pages is have been passed or left. Furthermore, public libraries are not considered merely as a book resource. They have been providing a conductive condition for those who are studying for a prominent exam or writers who are creating a novel, scenario or even an article in a newspaper. They are effortlessly able to concentrate, and jot down their ideas without any distraction. Ignoring these real libraries would affect these library members adversely, and unpleasant marks in schools and universities as well as less creativity in writing would emerge. In conclusion, apart from services brought by the computer technology and the internet, they could not make the readers' society along with people who tend to use libraries for their own specific purposes across-the-board delighted. Physical libraries could serve as a springboard for some of these mentioned groups.


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