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Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older? Parenting in this era has been obviously evolved compared with the past(retrospect?) and there are different views about understanding and responding to children's demands or sometimes restricting them. In my opinion, children should be raised under some specific rules according to their age to learn that in some cases their requests may be rejected. On the one hand, indulging children is a common parenting problem which will have some negative impact on their adulthood and they may grow up to be may be grown as a self–absorbed individuals. Parents should grant the children's demands considering their ages. Psychologists believe that all the needs of the babies for the first year should be responded to because they do not have a clear recognition of any limitations which may trigger stress and anxiety in childhood. For instance, if a child is crying, we should embrace him, or if he is hungry, the mother should feed him. Otherwise, he will not feel a sense of security and love in childhood. Consequently, they this may end up with low confidence and a feeling sense of loneliness in adulthood. On the other hand, when children are a little older and have a deeper understanding of the world, it is a proper time to learn to obey the imposed rules by their parents in their home and subsequently in the larger communities in the future. If they gain whatever they require by their family, they will have some significantly serious problems in society or even in their schools with the peers, because firstly, they have lack of awareness of the consequences of to their willing needs which may be harmful to their age,. secondly, they will expect their rquests to be agreed to to achieve promptly their requests while some of them are impossible,. therefore, they will grow up as a self-serving individual in adulthood. In conclusion, the parents play a crucial role in raising healthy children by restricting or giving their requests. In my view, however hard it may be to resist the children's demands, we should try to follow an effective pattern to develop rear/bring up/raise/nurture them lest they become selfish by acquiesce to achieving all their requests in childhood.

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