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SHOULD GOVERNMENTS MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT PEOPLE'S LIFESTYLE, OR SHOULD PEOPLE MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS? Nowadays, governments try to control all subjects which are related to people's life in order to protect them against probable/potential problems. In this regard, they focus on all aspects of human lives by digging into their private moments and lifestyles which sometimes not only have has no any benefits, but also ruins their calmness. Finding the best decision about governments' role in interfering in people's lifestyle can be categorized from in different viewpoints. Some people believe that the democracy is process in which respecting different lifestyles is inevitable. They think people have the right to choose the best style which is appropriate for their life, regarding to the possible outcomes for other's lives. In from this point of view, they believe in surveillance role of governments to prevent people from inappropriate comport with each other. On the other hand, a group of conservatives propose the idea of making decisions about people's lifestyles by authority of governments in all aspects of lives. From In such viewpoints, they resist having to have a global lifestyle in which the governments play a key role in creating to create such situations. In this process, all people should respect a lifestyle which can be annoyance annoy and they don't have the rights to disagree with….. the orders. It is enormously possible for the governments to lose the spirit of democracy and in such condition, finding signs of dictatorship that are blinking, wouldn't be hard to find. As a result, people's lifestyle is a package that cannot be seen lonely. It has different effects which can totally affect people's freedom. If governments try to persist on their role in this subject by making decisions for people's lifestyle, it would be possible for them to lose their protecting role and make/turn them into/ them a dictator.

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