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It is important for children to learn difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children? Distinguishing between right and wrong is a crucial stage in growing raising children that such that the main part of this refers to their breeding upbringing in both family and school. Some believe punishment plays an important role to in achieve achieving this goal. I agree some kinds of punishment could keep children on the right path. To begin with, sometimes punishment could be considered a deterrent factor due to the fact that the fear of it is more likely to encourage children to stay away from wrong decisions. If individuals are punished fairly and justly, they can learn valuable lessons from that. Although however, it depends on the age of the child. Punishment Punishing the infants is wrong because they do not recognize between wrong and right and they do not understand why they are being punished. Moreover, physical and harsh punishments can have many negative physical and mental consequences for the children. So teachers and parents should be very careful how they punish their children. So parents and teachers as role models, who should try to teach their children and students in the best state of that, can use a variety of methods to discipline them. Imposing athe punishment which fits the crime could be the best solution. Such as detention for their bad behavior, withdrawal of their privileges, and making them apologize to the friend that they have hurt. In conclusion, although punishment sometimes could help individuals learn many lessonsstudies, parents and teachers should much be more careful about the punishment that they impose on their children and youngsters thanks toin order to preventing the negative impacts on them.

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