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As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? Despite having a job which people are passionate about is crucial, most people consider the salary as the main reason for choosing an occupation. Besides, finding a satisfying job in today’s nowadays competitive life maybe not achievable. Job satisfaction depends on diverse factors and circumstances and has various definitions from each person's perspective. In my opinion it is not practical to provide job satisfaction for all employees and workers. Having enthusiasm for the occupation is the first step of satisfaction. Some people are working twelve hours or more a day which means half of their time in life. Working without any passion can make life miserable which result in depression and even serious problems in personal life. On the other hand, doing the some favourite work leads to delight, commitment, and better performance. Personal perspective can have a significant impact on people satisfaction whether in work or other parts of life. Of course, there have been massive of people who are occupying in a job that is not their desire, because of the income or compulsion, but they try to enjoy their time in by making the surroundings pleasant or any creative action. The Workplace as another factor plays an important role in employees’ satisfaction. Besides the colleagues' behaviour, the physical condition of the environment and the presence of areas such as rest rooms or coffee houses, the treatment of employers and managers, and the atmosphere in the environment are other factors of job satisfaction. Overall, each person has a different desire. Although sufficient salary, enjoyable environment, a neat workplace, and a friendly atmosphere can increase the workers' satisfaction, I think it is not possible to satisfy everyone while in fact preparing the ideal workplace for everybody is a utopia.

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