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Nowadays for many people the internet is replacing regular books. What do you think will happen in the future and what is your opinion about this trend? Our world has been changed radically after the digital revolution. Similarly the book industry has entered into a new era. A significant percentage of readers prefers to read E-books rather than printed ones. however, The moot question to be addressed is what the future looks like in this field. That technology affects every aspect of our life is not questionable. Nowadays, electronic books are so popular due to their many advantages. One of the main reasons is that they are noticeably cheaper compared to the printed books. Moreover, they could be easily saved on electronic gadgets. Namely, laptops, smartphones or the most notably kindles. Being light in weight is another magnificent benefit of E-books. What this feature brings about is being accessible in anytime and everywhere. They are also easy to be reached out just by one click instead of wasting time for going to a store or searching shelves in a library. On the other hand, what needs to be considered is that after decades of introducing E-books, some book lovers-regardless of age-prefer to read printed books. They normally confess that holding a book physically is a unique experience. Confirmed by a vast group of readers even the smell of a book is a mesmerizing reminder of their childhood. It conveys a sense of comfortable and safety,. however, during the recent years the fans of these types of books have has dropped in number. Consequently, many book stores went bankrupt were bankrupted and be forced to downsize their employees. In brief, although the growing rate of E-books is inevitable, I strongly opine that there will be always a convenientce market for printed books due to the fact that it is a part of the human culture and identity. The best policy might be considering both of these fields simultaneously. Publishers should develop online such as Amazonfor increasing their sales and continue to publicize their stores by holding various gatherings such as introduction of a newly published book by its author.

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