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Giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching. With the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should be done online. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Since the advent of the internet our lives have has changed significantly. Online world has affected the way we live our life by introducing new communication methods which in many cases have has brought us comfort and in the others inconvenience and controversy. As a result with the internet, face to face human interactions seems less attractive in the eyes of some people and instead of it virtual communication is more preferable. For instance, some claim that the traditional ways of teaching students should change because with the advances of technology it sounds more unnecessary whereas the others, including me, tend to disagree with the mentioned statement. First and foremost, although online technology has becomeing more widespread these days, there are is still many places especially in the developing countries where people either do not access the internet or the infrastructures are poorly developed to meet the requirements of online study .hence, basically it is impossible to ignore the traditional classrooms. In the second place, we should accept the fact that online education is in a newly arrived method of teaching and learning both. Thus, neither the consequences nor the efficiency of such an education has been proved entirely. Moreover, the general public do not trust online learning in a way that we could replace it with the old ways. However, in the resent recent years many more papers have been published in this regard, but it seems inadequate and we need to know more about such an important phenomenon. In the third place, currently there are serious doubts about accreditation of online learning in comparison to traditional ones. Many people still believe physical participation of both teachers and students in a real class guarantees the quality of education because it provides students with a closer supervision of teachers plus more concentration on the subjects. Therefore, students with online degrees may encounter many more troubles in terms of finding a proper job in the future. To sum up, although I am sure that in the near future online learning will be more available and much more convenient to apply, so that it encourages many more people to satisfy their educational needs with online learning. we are still far from reaching the point where that we could consider older ways of education useless and inefficient.

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