Easy A
Easy A 2010 Cutting‐edge stuff 1.15 ■ noun the latest or most advanced stage; the forefront. ■ adjective innovative; pioneering. adjective MOST RECENT, newest, just out, just released, fresh, (bang) up to date, up to the minute, state-of-the-art, current, modern, contemporary, fashionable, in fashion, in vogue; informal in, with it, trendy, hip, hot, happening, cool. There are two sides to every story 2.12 Innuendo is attached is attached to everything these days 2.35 noun INSINUATION, suggestion, intimation, implication, hint, overtone, undertone, allusion, reference; aspersion, slur. I'm trayana watch my figure 4.03 watch what you say : BE CAREFUL, mind, be aware of, pay attention to, consider, pay heed to. Put this conversation to bed 4.19 It's not a term of endearment 6.16 his murmured endearments : TERM OF AFFECTION, term of endearment, pet name; (endearments) sweet nothings, sweet talk. he spoke to her without endearment : AFFECTION, fondness, tenderness, feeling, sentiment, warmth, love, liking, care. I started piling on lie after lie like setting up Jenga 6.58 ■ pile it on (informal) EXAGGERATE, overstate the case, make a mountain out of a molehill, overdo it, overplay it, over-dramatize; informal lay it on thick, lay it on with a trowel. Shoving your beliefs down people's throats 7.29 he imposed his ideas on the art director : FOIST, force, inflict, press, urge; informal saddle someone with, land someone with. new taxes will be imposed : LEVY, charge, apply, enforce; set, establish, institute, introduce, bring into effect. how dare you impose on me like this! : TAKE ADVANTAGE OF, exploit, take liberties with, treat unfairly; bother, trouble, disturb, inconvenience, put out, put to trouble. ■ impose oneself FORCE ONESELF, foist oneself; control, take charge of; informal call the shots/tune, be in the driving seat, be in the saddle, run the show. Easy A 2010 Give it up for Blue Devils 7.40 Verb. To applaud, show one's appreciation. E.g."Give it up for this week's guest celebrity..." [Orig. U.S.] How can we exhibit school pride when we are conveyed to others as Satan worshippers 7.57 Answer to sb for your depraved behavior 10.07 My sexual exploits were the talk of the school 10.36 I'm not nearly as smart as I think I am 11.09 Would you testify to that? I would take a bullet for you 11.57 That's how I am, how I roll 12.09 Go through puberty ‐‐ a family of late bloomers 12.22 What's the rumor mill churning these days? A little low on grist 12.56 Damn, you are a bimbo 13.22 ▶ adjective STUPID, silly, idiotic, witless, brainless, mindless, unintelligent, thoughtless, half-baked, imprudent, incautious, injudicious, unwise; ill-advised, ill-considered, impolitic, rash, reckless, foolhardy; informal dumb, dim, dim-witted, half-witted, thick, gormless, hare-brained, crackbrained, pea-brained, wooden-headed; Brit. informal barmy, daft; Scottish & N. English informal glaikit; N. Amer. informal chowderheaded. I didn't mean for the lie to put me on the map 13.26 v. phr. To make (a place) well known. The first successful climb of Mount Matterhorn put Zermatt, Switzerland, on the map. Shakespeare put his hometown of Stratford-on-Avon on the map. I'm gonna break it down for you 13.41 break down phrasal verb 1. if a car or machine breaks down, it stops working: The car broke down just north of Paris. The printing machines are always breaking down. ⇒ breakdown 2. to fail or stop working in a successful way: Negotiations broke down after only two days. I left London when my marriage broke down. ⇒ breakdown 3. break something ↔ down if you break down a door, you hit it so hard that it breaks and falls to the ground: Police had to break down the door to get into the flat. Easy A 2010 4. break something ↔ down to change or remove something that prevents people from working together and having a successful relationship with each other: Getting young people together will help to break down the barriers between them. It takes a long time to break down prejudices. 5. if a substance breaks down, or something breaks it down, it changes as a result of a chemical process break something ↔ down Food is broken down in the stomach.Bacteria are added to help break down the sewage. 6. to be unable to stop yourself crying, especially in public: He broke down and cried.She broke down in tears when she heard the news. 7. break something ↔ down to separate something into smaller parts so that it is easier to do or understand:He showed us the whole dance, then broke it down so that we could learn it more easily. The question can be broken down into two parts. ⇒ breakdown I am gonna throw some rhymes. Drop me a beat. Gimme a beat. Push it up. Kill the beat. 13.44 Newspapers shouldn't pander to the prejudices of their readers. Highly trained staff will pander to your every whim Why should I feel pity? She brought it on herself 15.18 Abominable tramp 15.22 It was provocative enough to land me in the principal's office 15.35 On a downward spiral 15.43 Remotely misbehavioral 16.26 If I keep the girls off the pole and the boys off the pipe, I get a bonus 17.08 You are gonna be out on your fantail 17.15 The illusion is shattered 17.49 They're gonna put you in the gas chamber if …. 17.52 They went blue in the last election 18.00 Easy A 2010 He turned into a badass 18.35 1. very good or impressive:bad-ass biker gear 2. a bad-ass person is very determined and does not always obey rules – used to show approval: Johnson plays this bad-ass cop named O'Riley. Scrunched‐up face 18.40 scrunch something ↔ up phrasal verb1. to crush and twist something into a small round shape:I scrunched up the letter and threw it in the bin. 2. scrunch up your face/eyes to move the muscles in your face in a way that makes your eyes seem narrow:He scrunched up his eyes and grinned. I always pegged you for a southpaw 18.45 pÁ:/ noun [countable] informal someone who uses their left hand more than their right hand, especially a pitcher in baseball or a boxer peg somebody/something as something phrasal verb to believe or say that someone has a particular type of character, or that a situation has particular qualities:I'd had him pegged as a troublemaker. I deem that book inappropriate 19.16 It was quite apropos 19.16 apropos of something used to introduce a new subject that is related to something just mentioned:He had nothing to say apropos of the latest developments. apropos of nothing (=not relating to anything previously mentioned) Apropos of nothing, he suddenly asked me if I liked cats! A snide comment from a snotty girl in my class 19.27 Think British 19.57 This is not a common occurrence 20.31 My complete lack of allure kind of shot that horse in the face 20.45 I'm crushing it 21.43 I'm fine, great Blood gushing out of your nose 21.50 water gushed through the weir : SURGE, burst, spout, spurt, jet, stream, rush, pour, spill, well out, cascade, flood; flow, run, issue; Brit. informal sloosh. everyone gushed about the script : ENTHUSE, rave, be enthusiastic, be effusive, rhapsodize, go into raptures, wax lyrical, praise to the skies; informal go mad/wild/crazy, go over the top; N. Amer. informal ballyhoo. Easy A 2010 ▶ noun a gush of water : SURGE, stream, spurt, jet, spout, outpouring, outflow, burst, rush, cascade, flood, torrent; technical efflux. A homophobe 21.54 He gave you crabs 22.18 Maybe that stuck‐up Jesus‐freak thing is an act 23.14 ▶ adjective VAIN, narcissistic, self-centred, egotistic, egotistical, egocentric; proud, arrogant, boastful, full of oneself, self-important, immodest, swaggering; self-satisfied, smug; supercilious, haughty, snobbish; informal big-headed, too big for one's boots, stuck-up, high and mighty, uppity, snotty; Brit. informal toffee-nosed; N. Amer. informal chesty; poetic/literary vainglorious. Blend into the crowd 23.22 background, surroundings I can't decide if u r a …. or …. 23.31 Don't they sort of go hand in hand? 23.35 Ignorance and poverty often go hand in hand. Selfishness and unhappiness often go hand in hand. Wealth and power go hand in hand in most societies. (go) hand in hand withThey say that genius often goes hand in hand with madness. b) if two people walk, stand etc hand in hand, they walk, stand etc while they are holding each other's hand:They walked hand in hand in silence up the path. Ur being pretty cavalier about this 23.51 not caring enough about rules, principles, or people's feelings:a cavalier attitude to the laws Roundhead. ▶ adjective a cavalier disregard for danger : OFFHAND, indifferent, casual, dismissive, insouciant, unconcerned; supercilious, patronizing, condescending, disdainful, scornful, contemptuous; informal couldn't-care-less. I could really care less 23.57 Bedazzling personality 24.48 ■ verb greatly impress with brilliance or skill. That's my identifier? 24.51 Easy A 2010 Things took a turn for the scandalous 25.08 v. phr. To become different; change. Mary's fever suddenly took a bad turn. The story took an odd turn. Often used with "for the better" or "for the worse". In the afternoon the weather took a turn for the better. Suddenly the battle took a turn for the worse. Spend my dowry on booze and pills to numb the loneliness 25.56 You told me you were Kinsey six gay 26.25 You are a nice guy and all 26.33 informal And whatever goes with it; and all that means. We don't go out much nowadays, with the new baby and all. Jack's employer provided the tools and all. You completely miss the point 26.47 Spread like wildfire 27.05 Wanna maintain this floozy façade 27.38 a woman who has sexual relationships with a lot of different men, in a way that you disapprove of ▶ adjective a promiscuous woman: LICENTIOUS, sexually indiscriminate, wanton, immoral, of easy virtue, fast; informal easy, swinging, sluttish, whorish; N. Amer. informal roundheeled; Brit. informal slaggy; dated loose, fallen; archaic light. promiscuous reading : INDISCRIMINATE, undiscriminating, unselective, random, haphazard, irresponsible, unthinking, unconsidered. Are you on crack? And not the good kind 27.52 I don't do anything half‐assed 27.58 incompetent, unskilled; random, haphazard We showed up when the party was in full swing 29.36 adj. phr. Actively going on; in full action. The Valentine party was in full swing. All of the children were planting seeds; the gardening project was in full swing. Listen! Here is the sitch 29.58 Situation. • Example: All right, here's the sitch. Situation. A bad personal issue that you and one of your nearest and dearests have gotten yourselves into.Usually causes major depression. • Example: I don't wanna go with you to the café; Bob might be there and we've kind of got a sitch. Ready for the grand finale? 32.54 the last and most impressive or exciting part of a show or performance See you at the salt mines 34.55 she toiled all night: WORK HARD, labour, exert oneself, slave (away), grind away, strive, work one's fingers to the bone, work like a Trojan/slave, keep one's nose to the grindstone; informal slog away, plug away, peg away, beaver away, work one's guts out, work one's socks off, sweat blood; Brit. informal graft; poetic/literary travail; archaic moil. Easy A 2010 she began to toil up the cliff path : STRUGGLE, trudge, tramp, traipse, slog, plod, trek, footslog, drag oneself; Brit. informal yomp; N. Amer. informal schlep. Judy Blume should have prepared me for that 35.16 A dyed‐in‐the‐wool homosexual 35.42 having strong beliefs, likes, or opinions that will never change:Even dyed-in-the-wool traditionalists were impressed by the changes. ▶ adjective INVETERATE, confirmed, entrenched, established, long-standing, deep-rooted, diehard; complete, absolute, thorough, thoroughgoing, out-and-out, true blue; firm, unshakeable, staunch, steadfast, committed, devoted, dedicated, loyal, unswerving; N. Amer. full-bore; informal deep-dyed, card-carrying. As straight as they come 36.18 You can't throw your cat at everybody 37.13 promiscuity You are starting to get a reputation 37.34 ▶ noun (GOOD) NAME, character, repute, standing, stature, status, position, renown, esteem, prestige; N. Amer. informal rep, rap; archaic honour, report. You are coming off as a little pious 37.34 pretend A dirty skank 37.46 music, characterized by rhythmically bending forward, raising the knees, and extending the hands palms-downwards. N. Amer. informal a sleazy or unpleasant person. ■ verb play or dance to reggae music. informal walk or move in a sexually suggestive way. Give them hell 39.06 Burn 40.23 go f urself I tried to witness to her but she is defiant to any type of help 41.16 6. RELIGION [intransitive] to speak publicly about your Christian beliefs ⇒ testify Make god a promise you remain pure and chaste until marriage 41.51 You left your glass slipper at the party the other night 42.45 A curious blunder of the translator, who has mistaken vair (sable) for verre (glass). Sable was worn only by kings and princes, so the fairy gave royal slippers to her favourite. Hamlet says he shall discard his mourning and resume "his suit of sables" ( What's rocking? 43.10 Easy A 2010 Rest assured, it was equally as thrilling for me 43.19 v. phr. To be convinced; persuaded; certain and unworried. "Please rest assured," he said seriously, "that I will keep all of my promises." be calmed, be certain, go on being sure don't be worried, be confident that If Johnny said he would vote for Kim, you can rest assured he will. I am about six seconds away from slapping you so hard 43.33 At the rate you are going …. 43.46 You are repugnant 43.54 very unpleasant and offensive SYN repellent deeply/utterly/wholly etc repugnant I find his political ideas totally repugnant. repugnant to Animal experiments are morally repugnant to many people I have my eye on a label maker 44.34 7. have your eye on something to want something that you think might become available: He has his eye on the bigger apartment next door. Doesn't that seem a little steep? 44.51 2. steep prices, charges etc are unusually expensive OPP low:steep rents 3. involving a big increase or decrease SYN sharp: steep cuts in benefits steep increase/rise a steep increase in house prices steep decrease/drop a steep drop in orders Can we throw in ….. 44.54 If a person who is selling something throws in something extra, they give you the extra thing and only ask you to pay for the first thing. Pay £4.80 for larger prints and they throw in a free photo album... They were offering me a weekend break in Paris-with free beer thrown in. Are you in? deal, then 44.58 Solicit s.. for money, She'll do stuff for money 45.23 We got it on 46.25 work hard to develop a relationship (with someone); have sex with (Vulgar Slang) 1. have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?" (synonym) roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, bonk (hypernym) copulate, mate, pair, couple (hyponym) take, have (verb-group) neck, make out Big spender that he is gave me 40 $ for my pretend cowbell 46.36 Easy A 2010 Is that how much our imaginary tryst meant to you 47.00 a meeting between lovers in a secret place or at a secret time – often used humorously ■ noun a private, romantic rendezvous between lovers. ■ verb keep or arrange a tryst. I fake‐rocked your world 47.03 Shady backdoor deals 47.08 Whatever happened to chivalry? 47.16 1. behaviour that is honourable, kind, generous, and brave, especially men's behaviour towards women 2. a system of religious beliefs and honourable behaviour that knights in the Middle Ages were expected to follow acts of chivalry : GALLANTRY, gentlemanliness, considerateness; courtesy, courteousness, politeness, graciousness, mannerliness, good manners. the values of chivalry : KNIGHT ERRANTRY, courtly manners, knightliness, courtliness, nobility; bravery, courage, boldness, valour, heroism, daring, intrepidity. I want John Cusack holding a boom box/ghetto blaster 47.21 a large radio and tape recorder that can be carried around, and is often played very loudly in public places. This word is sometimes considered offensive in American English. Olive went from a trollop to a home‐wrecker 48.09 old-fashioned not polite an offensive word for a sexually immoral woman I'm accessorizing 48.29 ▶ verb COMPLEMENT, enhance, set off, show off; go with, accompany; decorate, adorn, ornament, trim. to add accessories to clothes, a room etc When did teachers become privy to idle adolescent gossip? 48.50 ▶ adjective he was not privy to the discussions : IN THE KNOW ABOUT, acquainted with, in on, informed of, advised of, apprised of; informal genned up on, clued up on, wise to; formal cognizant of. ▶ noun he went out to the privy.: See toilet sense Raise the roof 49.16 raise the roof to make a very loud noise when singing, celebrating etc Who gives a rat's ass 49.18 1. Amazingly ugly, resembling a train wreck only worse. 2. To show severe annoyance. 3. I don't care.• Example: 1. You look like a rat's ass this morning. What time did you get in last night? 2. Rat's ass. 3. Who gives a rat's ass? Easy A 2010 Give me extra credit for going the extra mile 49.28 make a special effort to achieve something. take extra precaution, make an enormous effort, go out of one's way, bend over backwards (to see that something gets done) Puritanical ostracism 49.32 ▶ noun EXCLUSION, rejection, shunning, spurning, the cold shoulder, snubbing, avoidance; blackballing, blacklisting. I think she is going through a phase 50.48 he's going through a difficult phase : PERIOD, stage, time, spell; Brit. informal patch. That snotty Jesus‐freak office aide I have has been bitching about her incessantly 51.00 informal1. someone who is snotty is rude and annoying, especially because they think that they are more important than other people – used to show disapproval SYN snooty:some snotty little clerk 2. wet and dirty with mucus Pursuant to the student code of conduct, my hemline has never been higher than my fingertips 52.25 If I open up to you, do you promise this stays in confidence? 52.35 I have a reputation to uphold 52.45 Let your freak flag fly. Just make sure you have an exit strategy 53.09 Can you send in the next person 53.28 You are up, hoss 53.35 He was blubbering like a baby 54.17 You insensitive rhymes‐with‐witch 54.21 Going through a divorce 54.24 I got through to you 55.34 I was beginning to think things were gonna turn around 55.54 Easy A 2010 Tragedy struck in Woodshop. Not that he sawed off a thumb 56.22 She just smacked the bejesus out of me 58.34 I messed up 58.39 He's been here forever 59.26 Chlamydia 59.33 It was becoming a habit of mine to help the downtrodden 1.0.3 I just couldn't stand my teacher's marriage crumble 1.0.8 That's the one thing that trumps religion 1.01.11 We are starting a petition to get rid of the lead paint 1.1.23 Let's not mistake popularity for infamy 1.1.35 If they sense any weakness, they pounce on you like jungle cats 1.02.14 The whack pack gets bigger and bigger 1.02.17 Forgive me, father , for I have sinned 1.03.01 What is the catholic way of phrasing it (harlot) 1.03.16 10 hail Marys, 1.04.16 Should have seen that one coming 1.04.23 Minister, reverend, wizard, pastor 1.04.47 For argument's sake 1.05.11 Double whammy .0.24 I had unwittingly sought advice from the leader of my lynch mob 1.05.48 Easy A 2010 If you hear anything to the contrary 1.07.11 A colossal understatement 1.07.41 Ply so with food 1.09.40 You're just burning through a lot of topics really fast 1.10.14 Don't act like you don't know … 1.14.07 Are you like a savant for people's addresses 1.15.19 Prior to my little transformation. way prior 1.15.31 Notoriety never seems to benefit the noted 1.15.44 I don't wanna k u with mascara running down my face 1.16.14 Some horndog trying to stick his tongue down my throat 1.16.20 I need to get my business in order before I drag you into it 1.16.34 He skipped town with some hulking black guy 1.17.53 I thought it would be aspirational 1.18.16 Do you how many girls I hooked up with because of that? 1.18.25 My guilt stems from my indiscretion 1.19.02 Now we just have to let it ride 1.019.06 He is of age 1.19.14 They won't fess up 1.20.42 I would not put it past Principal gibbons to expel me 1.20.52 I got around 1.21.11 Easy A 2010 Before I met … I had incredibly low self‐worth 1.21.13 Asphyxiate 1.21.16