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Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year, which one of the following is the best? A. Help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics. B. Help people who cannot afford to build or rent a home to build a house. C. Visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks. Although helping populace under the poverty line owning a home or helping elderly ones in their daily routines are considered a great job for students to do, I opine that helping primary school kids in their lessons would be more beneficial for three reasons. First, interacting kids gives students positive energy. Moreover, it is going to be a great experience. Plus, kids play a vital role in every society future. To begin with, helping people irrespective of their both social levels and age is accompanied with positive vibes, but when it comes to kids the energy is way more noticeable. According to conducted psychological studies ones who work with kids more tend to overcome their mental disorders. That is why contacting children is more like a remedy than a work. My own experience is a compelling example of this idea. Since the birth of my little sister our home is filled with positive vibes. Secondly, every project you take helps you flourish and gain precious experiences. Helping primary school kids provides you an excellent opportunity to learn how to interact with children. Due to the fact that you will be in charge of raring your own child, it is important to prepare yourself. For instance, my cousin who used to work in a primary school could raise her child with less hardship. In other words, her work experiences were quite helpful in that process. Last but not least, every single person regardless of her or his age is significant to the community, but kids are listed as a country priorities because every country future is in their hands. We as a member of this society should invest in educating kids lest they unconsciously damage the country in the future. The project of helping primary school kids in their mathematics and reading is not only a long-term process but requires a broad effort. Having said that, it is worth it. For example, European countries especially Sweden try to encourage every member of its society to cooperate in kids’ learning process. To cut a long story short, the aforementioned points and examples have illustrated that I am in favor of helping-kids-with-their-educational-issues project for three reasons. First of all, it is going to be positive energy exchange. Furthermore, it would be invaluable experience for students. Finally, kids’ awareness is crucial to our country future. We should pay more attention to children in that age range in order for next generation to be more conscious about their surroundings.

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