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Nowadays many parents believe that children's usage of tablets or computers would be good for their future academic career. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such belief? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Today, we are witness to the children, from toddlers to teenagers, who are using smartphones or tablets every minute, in every place and parents who are pleased or concerned about the effects of such devices on their offspring's babies' progress, especially in academic subjects. This essay attempts to manifest the pros and cons of these new tools in relation to the children's future and answers that to what extent parents' optimism or pessimism is reasonable. Many believe that working with electronic devices like laptops or PCs gives children useful abilities for their future. In this these parents' opinion, children who grow growing up with technology will be formed as computer nerds who can solve academic questions easily and their reasoning for this idea is that electronic devices are complex systems which working with them demands brain fitness. Moreover, these this devices prepare a platform for accessing to the Internet and numerous tremendous applications which seems to they have changed the educational process, even if children use these them for playing. Some findings have revealed that playing video games and solving their puzzle can help children's brain development. For instance, many recent games involve planning, problem-solving and resource managing which they improve these skills of on children. On the other hand, although all benefits that have been noted are extremelyly effective, the downside is relying on technology and its accessories too much. Children who just seat sit and stare at monitors and spend their time in the virtual world, without enough experience from the real world and who are not able to use their hands except for tapping, will not boost their creativity, the most important ability for academic careers. Furthermore, contrary to public opinion about software applications that help kids in learning processes, apart from a few of them, namely most of them are more commercial. In conclusion, like each new phenomenon, we should be aware of using electronic gadgets impacts on our children and although there are many researchesers that show the advantages of working of computers for children, technology is often a doubleedged sword.

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