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It is sometimes said that people should be encouraged to get married before they are 30 ,as this is the best both for the individuals and for society. Do you agree or disagree? Nowadays , marriage is has been considered as one of the most significant issues in our life .In every society , young people with a minimum level of income and a secure job are being encouraged to get married and make family .Some people are strongly believe that Despites all the barriers and unavoidable problems ,the young generation should not delay their marriage after the age of 30 while others are against this idea. I strongly agree that making family before the age of 30 has numerous benefits for both citizens and society . The first consequence of marriage after the age of 30 is the increase of life expectation expectancy for most individuals .People at with lower ages have more simple attitudes and expectations and also enjoy more in their life with even simple things .They can easily get on well with each other and also can easily became adapted to adopted with others' other's beliefs and attitudes .Even In some traditional societies the age of marriage is less than that 22 for men and 17 for women .Also , the rate of divorce has been dropped at a very low rate among these people which is very important in latest years . The second undeniable merit of an early sooner marriage is having a healthier future generation in every society. The latest research has been proved that mothers who give birth before the age of 30 have healthier babies with less diseases for both the mother and the baby . on in this occasion the society will have a healthy generation in the future time. Also , mothers can easily tolerate the unwilling conditions of pregnancy and also bear the pain of surgery when they are younger . Also , they can easily become pregnant and the society will not allocate financial aids in the health sector to cure infertility which is very expensive . By considering all the barriers in every society regarding marriage , the benefits of marriage in twenties are more beneficial for both citizens and society due to a better interaction between men and women in those ages and also having a healthier generation by younger mothers

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