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In recent years some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas but not in the countryside. This situation may bring some problems for the country as a whole. What are these problems? How might they be reduced? Nowadays, one of the major difficulty that many developed cities are struggling with is the high rate of immigration to urban cities. In fact this issue has had some destructive consequences on the people's lifestyles. According to the latest statistical article published by the Research Center of Tehran University (R.C.T.U), more than 80 percent of people who live in the rural areas have left their houses to enjoy the facilities in the big cities. Now, having considered the importance of the issue and how destructive it could be for the urban planning a question arises as to what are the influential factors in to restricting this high rate of immigration? First of all, a majority of people believe it is as important to provide different facilities in the countryside sides as to improve only the urban cities. In fact it would

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