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Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities. Agree/ Disagree We, humans, are social creatures. We have built societies and as a member of these societies we should give constant care to our communities to nurture and evolve. The role of the younger generation has become a controversial issue recently. Some people believe that the youth does do not give sufficient time to helping their communities but others oppose this idea. I strongly agree with the first group and I feel this way for two reasons which I will be discussing throughout this essay. To begin with, with advent of social media and smartphones, the younger generation has becomes emotionally and mentally obsessed with these technologies. They spend a great deal of time on their phones and as a result, little time is left for any other activity including helping their community. Recent studies have found that teenagers in north America spend more than 7 seven hours on their smartphones which support the above mentioned saying that they do not have much time left for their community. Second, in the modern era, people tend to choose individualism as their preferred lifestyle in contrast with collectivism. The Younger generation as the fruit of this era has lessen believe less strongly in contributing in to the community. Despite their previous generation whowhich considered themselves more of a society member, the youngers people not only consider themselves as individuals out of the community but also, they are not concerned with the ongoing problems in society which demand their attention/need their help to be solved. To sum up, I strongly believe that young people do not give enough time to helping their communities which from my point of view, the obsession with social media and smartphones and individualistic perspective are the two main reasons for this issue. However, in order to encourage the youth to take a more active role in society, specific actions should be taken by governments.

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