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In some countries, owing a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the cases? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation? Nowadays, many people tend to have their home rather than hiring one in different countries. Various reasons can be included to in this debate. I profoundly believe that it is a positive development. There are several reasons why owing a home rather renting one plays a prominent role in people’s decision. Firstly, many people who do not have not their own home find it difficult to move to some another accommodation on a yearly basis. Since occupants may undergo exorbitant prices of real estate services as well as rental, people prefer to purchase an appropriate home rather than paying costly expenditures. Moreover, possessing a home has been regarded as a valuable wealth among people so that it is a feasible means to invest in buying their home in order to achieve benefits/profit, and they measure success by the material things possessions they own. This trend has a positive impact on people’s life. People who have not their own home are more likely to feel like homeless as well as lack of sense of belongs belonging, so they can easily loss lose their confidence , and they may face several problemssuch as emotional or social. Besides, young people know that owing a home is a prerequisite factor to in starting a family, so it is an appositive way to fight for their future in order to achieve this gold. In addition, people have to pay taxes for their buying a home, with the governments allocating more budget as a loan or contribution assistance in order to facilitate purchasing a house. In conclusion, there are several reasons why many people, in some countries, tend to have their own home rather than renting because of status position and difficulties of moving. From a long-term perspective, this trend brings about various benefits for people. Farnaz, Bozorgi ,AC module

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