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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to read or watch news presented by people with different views than people by similar views. The news channels follow various purposes, where not only do they inform people about the current events occurring in the world, they also reflect their worldview. While some believe that people should follow the news sources concurrent with their opinions, I think it is necessary to be abreast of/au courant with other people’s perspective because it helps for better communication, boosts individuals’ critical thinking and is a practice for democracy. First of all, a fruitful communication is only plausible when people are well-informed about each other’s opinions. As there are different ways to realize what others think about a specific subject, following those news sources reflecting their ideas could be invaluable. For example, if a democrat person is about to have a discussion with a republican, before having their debate, it works for both sides to refer to each other’s medium. In times of election, if a democratic person follows Fox News, this could give them the idea to fully comprehend a republican worldview. The more they know their perspective, the better they can interact with each other, criticizing their opponents’ beliefs. Therefore, by engaging in such debates, people will practice their soft skills through these conversations. Moreover, nowadays, being able to think critically is of great importance in many ways. Reading a political article, expressing the opposite view, creates an opportunity for individuals to delve deeply into the subject and find its hidden aspects. Besides, by thinking critically, the danger of becoming too dogmatic about one’s beliefs, decreases. There is also a possibility that people changes their mind about their whole belief system, as they gradually follow other news sources. As a result, boosting a person’s critical thinking ability leads in a wiser society in the long run. Finally, in liberal societies, it is necessary for citizens to have the freedom of speech. Having various news media, where they can freely express their opinion, not only is of necessary importance in such communities, but also invites others to hear the ideas, different from their owns. What is more is that in a society where democracy is practiced through every act of its citizens, an attitude of tolerance towards other people’s mindset is fostered. As a consequence, in a democratic society, everyone can voice their opinion. To sum up, I believe that following a news source, whose which is mirroring your opposite opinion, is vital. I suggest that media policy makers create an environment, so that even minorities can express their opinions because in this way soft skills are practiced, societies become wiser and people can state their opinion easily.

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