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Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time, and have health problems as a result. Why do many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem? Nowadays, while working, employees do not have sufficient physical activities, and also they are remiss in doing so in their spare time, hence their medical issues. They are not permitted to have workout at work or not highly motivated to do it in leisure time. These issues, however, can be ruled out by introducing compelling motivations by companies or being a self-motivated person. Unfortunately, with the rise in the number of those who work in offices, being inactive at work has been cited as the one of the main culprits of today’s health issues among workers. Due to their work style, barely do they have any movement who are sitting a chair, so their health level gradually declines, thereby being intensely prone to contracting some decises. In this situation, companies in order for their workforce to be healthier can adopt some measures, which benefit both employees and employers, to tackle this critically dangerous condition. For example, organizations can allocate a specific budget to encourage the workers to do workout. They can pay the cost of exercising at the gym to them and thereafter the managers should be ascertained that employees spend it for doing sports. Another way is that companies can provide their personnel with exercising equipment and places at the workplace, and subsequently persuade them to use them to keep themselves healthy. Neglecting to have physical activity in free time is another factor which has been quoted as the people’s medical problems. Since these issues related to being sedentary do not happen immediately, people may realize that they are facing an unhealthy situation when it is too late. When the problems begin to appear they may say to themselves, “had I done daily exercise, I would have never experienced this worryingly critical health-situation. Although it is a seemingly hard condition, it is not an insurmountable one. People should not deny themselves doing regular workout, and by getting their priorities right and assigning a high priority to exercise, overcoming it is attainable. Consequently, whilst being common among the labour force because of their inactivity at and after work, health issues can be tackled by putting adequate effortsto have exercise. Therefore, no longer does the workforce have to suffer from those problems associated with lack of physical training.

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