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- As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing. what factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? Majority of adults in most societies spend their time at work either for career development or only for earning money. So, these days wellbeing experts and psychologist consensus that job satisfaction can be the crucial element in people’s wellbeing. The main factors that can be considered as playing role in job satisfaction are feeling of inclusion, valuable and developing. And, it is claimed that they are realistic expectation in to some extend. First, it is important that an employee have the feeling of belonging to the company. Including the employee in decision making and important situation of the company will make him feel included and as a part of a family he will show more ownership and commitment towards the company while at the same time is good for his day to day wellbeing. Inclusion is not a high expectation though. A company of any employer can easily give that feeling to his employees. Inviting them to quarterly review of company performance either is a good performance or poor performance will give the sense of belonging. The other factor that play a key role in employees wellbeing is feeling of being valuable. Spending over 10 hours a day at work and getting involvedto issues and obstacles of a work environment that may come across every day will make people sometimes exhausted. In spite of all daily challenges at the end of the day that sense of having added value on the progress and performance of overall company will make them satisfied. Hence, just a thank you , well-done once in a while or even a recognition in a meeting can give that sense to employees. That does not seem an high expectation. And the third factor plays an important part in people wellbeing is their development in their career. Some people work for daily earnings and they may not came to the point that they need to be developed over a time. The fact is that it cannot be their primary need. But, those people that are satisfied with their earnings and have the feeling of inclusion and valuable at their job, will seek another need of them, which is their career development. They need some motives more than inclusion and being valuable. They are looking for promotion and development. Not having the option for raise or development will diminish employee’s motivation easily. In conclusion, there are factors plays crucial role in people’s wellbeing on their daily jobs. They may have different sequence of importance, however, sense of inclusion, being valuable and career development play key roles in long term wellbeing of adults.

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