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Nowadays online shopping is becoming becomes more popular than in-store shopping. Is it a positive or a negative development? Give your reasons and examples. Online shopping, once only a dream, has become a reality over the last few years, thanks to technological tools, particularly in the field of customer satisfaction. Daily, a lot of time is lost due to long distances or traffic jams for shopping. However, one might ask how we can we prevent this from happening? I totally support the idea that this modern method of purchasing products or services in long-term will lead to a decrease in additional costs and an increase in purchasing power of society. Online shopping has been increasing in popularity over recent years. One key point in favor of online shoppingthis new trend has to do with saving time. People can use this novel method to meet their needs, hence In this way, saving their time in order to spend quality time with their family and to do more productive things. Take exercise as a clear example of this instead of spending your precious time sitting setting in traffic., this added time (additional time) can be spent at the gym Jim. As well as this, online shopping has an undeniable role in reducing companies expenses (overhead).Needless to say, in countries where energy prices are high like in the USA, online shopping can save a great deal of energy. Simply put, it is an economically viable option, especially for those living in congested cities and can greatly assist companies in to better managinge their resources. Many people have welcomed this new shopping trend since they can save millions of dollars on overheads, not to mention online shopping is the one of most important indicators of economic growth in developed countries. However, not everybody is on board with this mentality. There is this belief that online shopping in the long-term takes a heavy toll on people's health, due to the fact that lack of daily activity can lead to less mobility and weight gain. At the same time, many sales people in the online stores are not reliable, and so far, many people have complaint about internet fraud. In the other words, due to lack of provision and reliability, the probability of fraudulent activity is much higher. Apart from this, many purchases like grocery shopping require in-store shopping for the sack of quality and quantity. To sum up, although there are some disadvantages to online shopping, I personally endorse this new method because it will reduce cost and ease purchasing. If a moderate attitude is adopted in all matters of state, no problems usually arise.

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