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In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the cause of this? What solutions can you suggest? The issue of students misbehaving more or less common in all society is one of the fundamental concerns in the education system. However, in figuring out the reasons considering role of educational system rules is more important than students' behaviors individually. School as the first experience of joining to society, meeting peers folks with by different manners and belongings, being named under the umbrella of a group so‐called student as well as facing rules, for sure reflects lots of problems. Because students are just confused about finding out their own way in this new situation, no matter which grade they are in, still they are reflecting on backscattering their way of growing up, so it is the responsibility of the education team to shape them, and teach learn them how they can come up with to the right conclusion in their conduct. Secondly, obliging obeying specific rules not only does is not works but also makes the situation worset, because it is far‐fetched for the from human nature. It is a the fact that a sense of victory mostly is achieved in the shape of rule breaking unfortunately, hence if students are guided in such a way that feel satisfied lead to be satisfy themselves in correct ways poor behaving will be disappear. Thirdly, rethinking educational system rules produces the best results best such as Finland which is 's one of the best countriesy in terms of students' educational progress.results way of working shows. Their setting up rules programs are limitless and changes due to students' reflection out terns. For instance, they came across the conclusion termination that it is better for teenagers to start school at mid day no matter that "an early bird catches the worm", and they perform better at this time of the day. All in all, figuring out students' behavior modifications' mostly lies in educational system rules rather than individuals' behaviors. It is crucial for every society to addressing its students' problems independently, although using other societies' society's conclusions works, it is not enough because of the great role of culture. 298 words

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