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Some people prefer to stope their live doing the same things and avoiding change . Others, however ,think that change always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Over the past decades technology bring about transformation in the life of human. Therefore, change is not always personal option and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace with it. Those people who believe that they resist instead of changing, are living in denial because they cannot stop . Because they can not stope the world from changing. So , we can say ,the Internet brought about farreaching changes in the way we work and then we have to avoid these changing. In other words, life and alterations go hand in hand and they are indeed compatible .Also , they can live side by side very comfortably. These people are welcome in this idea that changing in life has great benefits in their life because sometimes it will create opportunities for earning money which can help them walk toward happiness. However , changes have not always positively affected on humans's life . Major changing in life breeds such as huge costs definitely and in the circumstances,fundamentally change inexpertly may be place people's life in jeopardy such as illegal immigrants to other countries for changing their life. In conclusion, I would say that, change can be useful when it is pursued by with individuals and it is not forced by other cultures or sources where it does not necessarily have a good outcome.

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