96.01.18 Workshop FRI SP Session 1 The Milgram Experiment
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1. A rather disturbing psychological experience = upsetting
2. In a number of ways =
از طرق مختلف
3. Get people to act against their will = reluctantly
4. Despite themselves = reluctantly
5. Set up an experiment = Conducted , carried out
6. A situation that went against their own personal beliefs and morals = reluctantly
Inflict pain and suffering on a fellow human being = cause
8. The experimental set up
9. Play the part of the authority figure
10. Perform as
11. Had the role of
12. Participants
13. Assess sth = evaluate
14. In an adjacent room = next to them,
15. At the outset of the experiment = beginning
16. As the trial
progressed = continue
17. Pounding on the walls =
18. Complaining of a heart condition = problem
19. Few found the courage to stop the experiment
20. Despite the fact that
21. Question the purpose of the research =
22. They were given the following prompts = order
23. The study was called off = cancelled
24. Three shocks
in a row = back to back
25. The result revealed that
26. They gave in to authority = surrender
27. A full 65% = not approximately
28. Delivering the shocks
29. Questioned the intent of the research
30. At some point =
در مقطعی
31. Carry out the task = do
32. Intense suffering

33. This compliance with authority = ھمراھی
34. At the obvious expense of another = با قربانی کردن
35. Authority figure = power
36. At the
whim of their superior = در بست دست بھ سینھ کسی بودن
37. In a variation of this experiment = different
38. Performed a secondary task
39. a fully
compliant teacher = حرف گوش کن
40. Obeyed his every instruction = followed
41. In this
scenario = in this experiment
42. Fully
submitted to authority = surrender
43. An authority figure
44. He
wields a whole lot of power = have
45. Commit immoral acts
46. He
dodged the draft and did not go to war = did not join the army
Telegram Channel : @sabaitc
Good luck!
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