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Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad For a report on that, here’s ex: we had an earthquake last year and for a report on that, here’s Mr. president. وکیل دادگستری =Attorney نمایش پرزرق و برق =Extravaganza Opposed to = against As opposed to = rather than, instead of ex: I went to my sister’s house, as opposed to my brother’s house Festive=شور و شوقex: it was festive as the crowed turned to Capitol Hill. Form=تشکیل دادنex: to form a complete circle of war protest ex: cleans up stains only theلک ) ھم معنی فعلی بھ معنای لک انداختن میده ھم معنای اسمی و قابل شمارش( =Stain shine remains. مالش دادن =Rubbing زدودن ، کوتاه کردن ، اصلاح کردن =Trimming Foul smell=بوی گند Sharp recession = رکود شدیدex: a sharp recession has shaken economic confidence. Emerge=نمایان شدن ظھورکردنex: a large field of Democratic passengers has emerged. Domestic affairs=( امور داخلی )مثلا کشورex: office of assistance for president to domestic affairs. لعنتی )برای ابراز خشم زیاد بکار میرود( = Goddamn Balls=جرأتex: they don’t have the balls. Step aside =استعفا دادنex: the president was to ask Mr. Hoover to step aside. Administration =حکومت، دولت شایستھ بودن ، سزاوار بودن= )Deserve (v Next in line =نفر بعدex: you are next in line. Pop by =سر زدنex: thanks for popping by. So-and-so =یاروex: I saw so-and-so out with another woman. سر جاش گذاشتن، بایگانی کردن = Put away Out of hands=دور از دسترسex: out of the hands of people without discretion. اختیار، صلاحدید = Discretion Leak =افشا کردن ، نشت کردنex: leak the information. Put before=در معرض نظر سنجی گذاشتنput something before someone/something ex: put before the court of public opinion. Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad وردست ، معاون = Aide Violation =تخلف Choke on = خفھ شدن mainسردستھ ، سالار ، مھم ، اصلی = Chief Slayer =قاتلex: chief dragon slayer Guardian of (formal) =نگھدارex: guardian of American dream Crack a smile= to smile Hips=باسنex : keep the hips down Elegant=زیبا ، جذابbeautiful, attractive, graceful ex: they are elegant. ستاد فرماندھی = Headquarters مدیر سرپرست رھبر = Director Bombing = to use bombs to attack a place. Ex: how many bombings now? Precise = exact , accurate Mess around =to spend time lazily, doing things slowly and in a way that is not planned. Embarrass =خجالت زده کردنex: they are embarrassing the FBI. Stroke =سکتھ مغزیex: it looks like a stroke. Motion = movement ex: put everything into motion.ھمھ چیز را بھ جریان بندازید Set or put something in motion = to start a process or series of events that will continue for some time. Ex: The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests. Funeral = مراسم خاکسپاریex: here will be handling funeral arrangements. معاون رئیس جمھور = Vice president Instructions on (how to do ) something =دستور العمل ھای اجرایی Take possession of something = to become ownership of something Confidential (adjective) =محرمانھ Steadfast = faithful and very loyal ثابت قدم فداکاری جان فشانی= Devotion Elevate = raise , high , lift up Patriotism =وطن پرستیex: he elevated patriotism. Commitment =تعھد ، پیمانex: his commitment to justice and peace in the nation. He will stand by his commitment. Justice = system of judgement Serve =خدمت گذاری کردنex: we have to serve as he served. Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad Word with someone = speak with someone Promotion =تبلیغ Hell = to emphasise a statement ex: hell, I don’t know. Bureau = a part of government department مامور فروش مسئول فروش = Bagman Tape =ضبط کردنex: you taped all the conversation. Those days were gone. You could be you because I was who I was. Long live =زنده بادex: long live the king . Integrity =درستی Bravery = شجاعت Fidelity = وفا داری کارآمد ماھر لایق= Competent با وفا = Loyal What’s wrong with that =چیش اشتباھھ Retriever = بازیاب Hold in leash = مھار کردن Home to me = خانھ منex: the FBI has been home to me for thirty years. Count on someone =روی کسی حساب کردنex: you count on me to keep those doors shut. Candid ( with / about) (adjective) = frankحقیقت را صادقانھ گفتنI’ll be candid with you. زیر دریایی = Submarine کسی کھ اعتراف می کند ، کسی کھ اعتراف می شنود. = Confessor Suspicious =شکاک بدگمانex: I’m not a suspicious man by nature. By nature =طبیعتا Turn somebody or something down = to refuse an offer, request or invitation It is what it is=ھمینھ کھ ھست Reputation = شھرت آوازه Stellar = عالیex: your reputation is stellar. Enforcement =اجراex: you have no law enforcement experience. Acts of generosity =اعمال سخاوتمندانھex: it’s not acts of generosity. Leave behind = abandon , to forget , go away without. Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad استحقاق داشتن = Deserve Resign =استعفا دادنex: you need to resign. Something be in better hands =.در دست کس بھتری باشد Apparently = obviously غیر مسلح = Unarmed جاسوس = Spy Be on the lookout for something/somebody =مراقب کسی یا چیزی بودن ، پاییدن دختر جوان= Girlie دزد خانھ ، سارق = Burglar Exotic =عجیب غریبex: one of the most fascinating and exotic stories… Come out = emerge , become kwon So far = until now وارد شدن = Break in Keep a close eye = watch on sb/sth Investigation =تحقیق و بررسی Turn to other news بھ خدمت گرفتن = Recruit سردستھ خلاف کاران =Ringleader Confidential =محرمانھ Criminal division = دایره یا بخش جنایی Counsel = advise یھ دقیقھ ما رو تنھا بذارین = Give us a minute Give up = stop doing sth Figure out = find out Put something to bed = to complete work on something and send it on to the next step in production, especially in publishing Get on something = to continue doing something, especially work look like hell = look very ill or tired روح شبھ ، مامور مخفی = spook Get caught = capture بو بد= Odor Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad Kick off =حذف کردنkick somebody off something Wrap up = to finish a job or meeting wrap somethingup Give up something = to stop doing somethingتسلیم شدن Uncharted waters = a situation or activities that you have never experienced or tried before. حاشیھ = Edge Touchy-feely =لوس آماده کردن= Prep توطئھ چیدن ، نقشھ کشیدن = Plot Whitewash =( پنھان کردن حقیقت )ماست مالیex: plotting a whitewash Cap on = limit ex: the director has put a 48-hour cap on the investigation. Make something out = to understand something, especially the reason why something has happened. be my guest = something you say when you give someone permission to do or use something: "Can I try out your new bicycle?" "Be my guest." Chase down= to follow and catch (someone or something). Police chased down the robber in an alley Treasury department =وزارت خزانھ داری Prankster = شوخی خرکی Bottom-feeder = a member of a group of very low social status who survives by any means possible. Frat boy (fraternity) =انجمن اخوت Indictable = قابل تعقیب بررسی کردن دقیق= Vet آدم نابکار ھرزه = Sleaze Punk = a worthless person (often used as a general term of abuse) Keep going = to continue as the same way as before. Ex: if things keep going like this, we’ll have to close the business. Put someone/something through = to connect someone to someone else on the telephone Briefing =information or instructions that you get before, you have to do something. چیزھایی کھ بھ مطبوعات نشت کرده است = Press leaks صاحب اختیار ، صلاحیت = Authority A hell of = extremely or extremely big. ex: The house was in a/one hell of a mess روند فرایند روش = Procedure Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad در جریان بودن = Flow Put around something =to tell a lot of people news or information that might not be true Bypass someone = to avoid obeying a rule, system, or someone in an official position کنار زدن کنار گذاشتن Stay away = avoid Corruption = فسادex: we have to stay away from all the White House corruption. Quarantine = قرنطینه کردنex: The monkeys were kept in quarantine for 31 days. Indictment = کیفر خواست ، متھمan official written statement accusing someone of a crime so that they will be judged under the American legal system. Ex: He is under indictment for credit card fraud. Discount = to regard something as unlikely to be true or important. Ex: experts discounted the accuracy of the polls. Persons =formal or law someone who is not known or not named. Ex: All 115 persons on board were killed. Jury = a group of often 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not. Ex: The jury found him not guilty. نفری به دادگاه فرا می )12توضیح اینکه در بعضی کشور ھا به طور رندوم افراد عادی جامعه را در گروه ھای خوانند برای قضاوت و تصمیم درباره اینکه متھم ، مجرم است یا نه و گناه کاری یا بی گناھی متھم بر اساس رای آنھا تعیین میگردد ( the opposition= in some countries such as Britain, the main political party in Parliament that is not part of the government. Ex : I think the opposition is disappointed.
Plea = ادعا ، دادخواست متھم کردن = Indict Defendant = متھم |
ex: change his plea to guilty. |
Crucial = مھم |
ex: crucial question |
Taper off = to become gradually smaller or weaker, or happen less often. Ex: Her voice tapered off as she realized everyone was listening. Incident = event, occurrence, phenomenon, affair Bizarre = weird, surreal, ex: a bizarre coincidence Left-wing = جناح چپ Counterculture = the art, beliefs, behaviour etc of people who are against the usual or accepted behaviour, art etc of society. Ex: I want to open files on every member of every counterculture organization in this country. تا دونه آخرشونو پیدا کنید )شکار کنید( = Hunt them to exhaustion No holds barred = without limits or controls. Ex:Mr Nixon may well have had a no-holds-barred approach to dealing with political adversaries.()توی این فیلم یعنی کسی از قلم نیوفتھ ،بدون استثنا Announce = اعلام کردن ، جار زدنex : they announced their engagement in ‘ The Times ‘. Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad Shut it down = to stop operating , finish it. Get in the way =To get in the way of something means to make it difficult for it to happen, )انجام کاری برای کسی سخت شدن ، چیزی مانع تصمیم یا انجام کاری بشھ( .continue, or be appreciated properly Burn alive = to kill by being set on fire Take off the gloves = To begin to behave in a more hostile or tenacious way. Usually used to describe a dispute or fight. Entry = Act of entering. Ex : It was dark and their entry into the camp had gone unnoticed. Tap=an act of secretly listening to someone’s telephone, using electronic equipment. Ex: The police had put a tap on his phone line. We are on your side = ما طرف توییم Vanish = disappear Eternity =ابدیتex: how many more kids do we let vanish into eternity? Intrude =دخالت کردنto interrupt someone or become involved in their private affairs, in an annoying and unwanted way ex: the employer shouldn’t intrude the private lives of their employees. There’s a price to pay for what we do There’s a price to pay for what we become Intensive =involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time. Objective = something that you are trying hard to achieve, especially in business or politics SYN goal. Implicate = شریک جرم دانستنimplicate somebody in something. Ex: Three police officers are implicated in the cover-up. Repose = ( استراحت کردنusually use after “in”) ex : his face looked less hard in repose. Be over = be finished. Ex: the war will soon be over. Give up = lose hope , to stop hoping for. Ex: maybe she just gave up. Give somebody up = to stop having a friendship with someone. Ex: she seems to have given up all her old friends. Foster home = a residential institution providing care and guardianship for children whose parents are dead or unable to look after them. Orphanage =یتیم خانھa residential institution for the care and education of orphans. Terrific =very good, especially in a way that makes you feel happy and excited SYN great. Ex: that is a terrific idea. A chip off the old block = An expression used of people who closely resemble their parents in some way nip something in the bud = to prevent something from becoming a problem by stopping it as soon as it starts. Cut short. زود باوری ساده لوحی = credulity Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad it strains credulity= باورش نمیشه con job = کلکan act or instance of duping or swindling. an act or instance of lying or talking glibly to convince others or get one's way. Ex: it strains credulity that President could have done a con job on the whole American people. شدیدا تشنه چیزی = desperately revitalize = دوباره احیا کردنex: at the time when The United State desperately needs to revitalize. Bullshit = something that is stupid and completely untrue. SYN rubbish. Latest = the most recent or the newest. Chain of something = a connected series of events or actions, especially which lead to a final result. Ex: chain of illegal covert = پنھان Operation = عملکردex: covert intelligence operations. Obstruction = سد ،انسداد Multiple fronts = چندین جبھه یا چندید سازمانex: we are facing obstruction from multiple fronts. Speculate =to guess about the possible causes or effects of something, without knowing all the facts or details. گمانه زنی کردنex: Jones refused to speculate about what might happen Breadcrumb = ( خرده نان ) سر نخ ھاex: it is our job to follow the breadcrumbs. the Oval Office = the office of the US President, in the White House in Washington D.C. Driving force =someone or something that has the power to make things happen Espionage = جاسوسیex: espionage campaign. Managerial experience = تجربه مدیریتی Sabotage = کارشکنیdeliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage. Ex: massive campaign of spying and sabotage Vigorously = بشدت Denouncing = مردود شمردن ، محکوم کردنex: The white house is vigorously denouncing the story. دروغ ھای وحشتناک = scurrilous lies innuendo = a remark that suggests something sexual or unpleasant without saying it directly, or these remarks in general. با ایما و اشاره چیز بدی گفتنex: a pack of scurrilous lies and innuendo. scurrilous = فحاش cowardly source = منبع کثیف vicious = شدید خبیثانهex: I know these are vicious lies by jealous agents. lifer = کارمند مادام العمرI may not be an FBI lifer like some of you. کج پنداری = Paranoia Put up with = tolerate since I arrived here I have put up with paranoia Insubordination = نافرمانی سرپیچی Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad خیانت کردن = Betray Step forward = to come and offer help, information نمایش شرط بندی در اداره = Office pool My money’s on somebody/something =used to say that you feel sure someone will win a race or competition, or that something will happen Landslide =پیروزی بزرگ با اکثریت آراex: Nixon has won in a landslide. Beyond repair = impossible to repair. Ex: the car was damaged beyond repair. عذاب روحی = Agony خانه اشتراکی = Commune
Thoroughly = دقیق |
ex: check it thoroughly. |
از یک جایگاھی پایین آمدن = Stand for |
Sweep = جارو کردن زدودن |
ex: we just swept your office for bugs. |
The knives are out = used to refer to a situation when people are being unpleasant about someone, or trying to harm someone. Sanitize = زدودن پاکسازی کردنto remove particular details from a report, story etc in order to make it less offensive, unpleasant, or embarrassing – used especially to show disapproval. Stay out of something = جدا شدن Constant = پا برجا Permanently = always, for a long time (one's) head on a plate/platter = A phrase used hyperbolically to refer to a very harsh punishment. Traitor =someone who is not loyal to their country, friends, or beliefs خائنex: the traitor’s head on a platter. Cut one’s nuts off = زھر چشم گرفتن Errand = ماموریت کار محمولھex: this is your last errand. Scab = پوست زخمyou are just opening the scabs. Relentless = بی امان بی وقفھex: her relentless determination to succeed. Align = ھم تراز شدن ردیف شدنex:Make sure that all the holes align. Scramble = move quickly Come apart = to begin to fail ex: the whole building will come apart from the inside and collapse in on itself and all come tumbling down. Mark Felt 2017 Idioms, Vocab & Expression in the Movie By Mohammad Saleh Tashayoei Nejad فروریختن = Collapse Come tumbling down =if something comes tumbling down, it falls suddenly to the ground وسیله استراق سمع تلفنی = Wiretap Unconstitutional = خلاف قانون اساسی Reprehensibly = شرم آورex: The FBI illegally, unconstitutionally and reprehensibly bugged. Sordid = کثیف نکبت وارvery dirty and unpleasant SYN squalid ex: I knew every sordid little details. پایین آوردن = Bring down ادعا کردن = Allege Assertion = ادعا نامھ How , why, what etc on earth = used when you are extremely surprised, confused, or angry about something Resignation = استعفا نامھ استعفا کردنex: I accepted the resignation of two of my closest associates in the White House. ضعیف النفس = Quitter Abhorrent = منزجر کنندهsomething that is abhorrent is completely unacceptable because it seems morally wrong SYN repugnant ex: the practice of killing animals for food is utterly abhorrent for me. counterespionage = ضد جاسوسی testimony = گواھی شھادتIn his testimony, he denied that the company had ignored safety procedures. Ring in someone’s ears/head = to remain in someone’s mind/memory. dispute = بحث کردنex: we don’t dispute that.