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Nowadays, more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. In order to become integrated into society in their adopted countries, immigrants should abandon their old ways and adapt to local customs and codes of behavior. Do you agree or disagree? Seeking a better life, many a person around the world leaves their country in which they were born and bred. Yet, there has been a heated debate as to whether it is necessary for immigrants to alter their code of conduct and customs to be a consistent member of society. While there are certain valid arguments to the contrary, I believe that its the merits of assimilation far outweigh its demerits. Migration is considered to be one of the most stressful experiences that an individual may have/undergo during his life. Being accepted by the local citizens of the destination country will pave the way for many immigrants but some claim that it is almost impractical especially for adults since one person’s character is mainly formed during his childhood and the environmental factors related to the dominance dominant culture of the country play an active role in it. In addition, immigrants will add diversity to the new society by keeping their native lifestyle while introducing it to other nations. That is to say, people may find new customs attractive and start to adopt them to in their daily life. For example, some cuisines such as Chinese or Indian food have become enormously popular among Europeans and Americans. However, immigrants can show their appreciation to their destination countries' traditions by adapting their code of conducts and customs which citizens take pride in, thereby easing the assimilation process. This will develop the immigrants’ social interactions and help them to feel connected with others since the local people will show a more amiable attitude toward the foreigners who change themselves to blend in. Any slight sign showing the lack of respect for the native culture is likely to lead to the unfriendliness and isolation from the local community, so I would argue that to facilitate the integration process and prevent any potential trouble it is highly advisable that settlers conform to the standards of behavior expected by the foreign society. In conclusion, although there are many difficulties for in embracing new traditions especially for adults, it will benefit immigrants on several grounds.