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Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Nowadays, with the improvement in business activities, competition among companies has enhanced. Therefore, to company owners, competitive tendency has led to beneficial thoughtfulness as they've inclined to the strategies which would be able to bring more achievement for them. One of these strategies is employing their clerks in time limit, to some extent, there could be some advantages; the bosses won't have to keep older clerks when they feel that they are not useful any more, they could alter them with more capable workforce, the competitive atmosphere causes workers to do their best. Previously, hiring workers until their retirement was more prevalent, but it has been producing making such a terrible outcome that today most of the company owners do not don't practice peruse it anymore, so that, they don't have to keep the idle workers who whom they are not as beneficial as they used to be, which Probably it could have a lot of reasons. For instance, physical or psychological problems, lack of incentive and getting older than the proper age for some certain jobs can cause the staff to become undisfunctional. Employing competent workers is are the most impressive factor in leading to lead a company to success. If the companies have to hold their work force until their retirement, they won't be able to assort their workers according to their needs, which changes day to day, and as a result, the workers should be always updated. The competitive situation not only makes people to do their best but also compels them to keep their knowledge up to date which could lead to increasinge the level of efficiency and hard working of the employees. Furthermore, it causes companiesy and consequently, the country to achieve impressive strike progresses. To sum up, I believe that the advantages of hiring people in a limited time outweigh the disadvantages. Not having to keep maintain the inefficient workers, possibility of replacing them and encouraging them to become more updated are some of the advantages.