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Some people believe that the government should take care of old people and provide financial support after they retire. Others say individuals should save during their working years to fund their own retirement. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience. The issue of elderlies and their happiness in society is probably as old as humanity itself. Although many argue the government is responsible for financially supporting elderlies, others believe that old people themselves should take care of themselves through their savings. One the one hand, some believe that people should take responsibility to support themselves when they get old through what they have accumulated during the years they have worked. First, this promotes the culture of hardworking and independence, making people feel that they will be given only what achieved in their youth. Thus, everybody would make more effort to build a better future for their families and themselves when become retired. Otherwise, being relied on the government would cause people to lose their motivation to work hard as they are certain about their free aid coming from their angel guard. Secondly, considering the great growing number of elders, increasing longevity, and spreading of different types of diseases out braking in modern societies, the government would buckle with more pressure which can bring about cuts in other sectors. Indeed, so catastrophic is the financial crises around the world that everyone should pull their own weight. On the other hand, others contend that the government should be held responsible for providing financial support schemes for senior citizens. Firstly, many sociologists consider the happiness of elders in a country ‘the canary in the mine’ for the total social welfare – a symbol of how content the residents feel and fulfilled they find their expectations from their rulers. Being one of the most vulnerable sectors of society, elder citizens often are to bear the brunt of financial and social crises. This age bracket virtually consists of members who heavily rely on others and seek assistance for supplying their rudimentary needs. Therefore, their satisfaction has often believed to be a good manifest of a well-organized, functional society. Governments could try to reduce this vulnerability by implementing some public welfare programs and holding up social safety nets. Moreover, failing to amass enough saving can translate into the end of the world for elder people. It is not highly improbable that one loses their savings, goes bankrupt, or fails to reach the financial target in their lives. Under these not exceptional circumstances, an old man finds himself in a deadlock as returning to the battlefield and starting over is perhaps out of the question for him. In conclusion, although many might find it a massive burden on governments, I strongly believe that governments should support old people and give them the joy and happiness they deserve.