Fridays Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:46:52 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management fa-ir (IELTSTOEFLCENTER) 97.10.07 Session 38 The Environment  

97.10.07 Speaking Workshop Session 38 The Environment

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc


1. To na avail / for decades poor people participated in election in hopes of
gaining democracy to na avail
2. Awareness of
3. Worthwhile
4. Let’s Have show of hands
5. The more educated people are , the more advantageous it is for the
6. The more educated people are, the more advantages there are for the
7. Advantageous: سودمند
8. Humor me:
9. Fruitless exercise
10. Create more litter
11. Compound the problem
12. Not only would it be a fruitless exercise but also it would create more litter.
13. Unattainable Goal

14. It would prove + adj
15. Impracticable = unfeasible
16. Appealing plan
17. Everyone is so aware of the impact we are having on the environment.
18. Conceivable = imaginable
19. Retrieve
محکمه پسند = 20. Tenable
21. Will have + p.p = قبل از موعود
22. They are a viable alternative to petrol driven car.
23. Viable: شایسته
24. Improbable
25. Abandon
26. It is Questionable whether they will be able to convince everyone to stop.

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 28 Dec 2018 12:53:01 +0000
97.09.09 Session 34 Globalization  

97.09.09 Speaking Workshop Session 34 Globalization

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc


1. at this rate
2. we'll all end up eating the same bland food آخر و عاقبتمون
3. globalization and the impact it could have on local people
4. I am beginning to believe
5. it works the other way round = opposite
6. you can't be serious = are you kidding?
7. the author makes some very valid points = he speaks
8. a big multinational
9. actually no
10.he points out that ... = says
11.there are far more ethnic restaurants than people realize
12.there are 7 Indian restaurants for every McDonalds in the
13.I didn't realize that = did not know
14.end up living a more interesting and multicultural life have got to admit that
16.the ... market is totally dominated by ... = has the largest
market share
17.... taking over the market = seize

18.a joint venture between ... and ...
19.without globalization, international companies wouldn't
merge like that = combine pushes popular culture to the masses
21.and even further
22.travelling to far-flung places = remote places
23.suit the local culture = suitable for them
24.a lot of give and take بده بستون
25.has a monopoly over sth انحصا

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 30 Nov 2018 16:08:29 +0000
97.09.02 Session 33 Smart Phones  

97.09.02 Session 33 Smart Phones

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc



  1. neither was it easy nor was it hard
  2. you hate me because you forgot my present / neither do I hate you nor did I forget your present.
  3. she both opened and returned the gift.
  4. no sooner had I sat down than she begun to nag.
  5. can't decide between
  6. sleep in / stay in bed
  7. compact ≠ bulky
  8. I find it + adj
  9. Tricky to operate
  10. Although I have to say
  11. Barrier = obstacle
  12. Why do you think that is? / Why is that?
  13. The more you eat, the fatter you will be
  14. Broth آش
  15. Awkward = strange = weird = odd
  16. Sincerity
  17. Tactful
  18. The way
  19. Sulk قهر کردن
  20. Bigger memory
  21. Far / much / way / a lot

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 15:46:41 +0000
97.07.27 Session 29 Living on Other Planets  

97.07.27 Speaking Workshop Session 29 Living on Other Planets

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc


1. - Form a colony / colonize: live on
2. - On other planets
3. - On earth
4. - Feasible to live: possible
5. - Asteroid سیارک
6. - Asteroid collisions = برخورد سیارکها
در جهت عقربه ساعت 7. - Clock-wise
8. - Counter clock-wise: Anti clock-wise خلاف جهت عقربه ساعت
9. - Rotate in a different direction to other planets =
10.- Rotate around the sun
11.- Revolve / revolution
12.- RPM: revelations/rounds per minutes
13.- Sustain life = support life
14.- orbiting the sun = revolve around
15.- in terms of its physical features از نظر ویژگ های فییکی
16.- 1) Mercury عطارد/ تی
زهره / ناهید 17.- 2) Venus
18.- 3) The earth / earth

مری خ/ بهرام 19.- 4) Mars
20.- 5) Jupiter مشیی/برجیس
21.- 6) Saturn زحل/کیوان
22.- 7) Uranus اورانوس
23.- 8) Neptune
24.- Don't politicize it! !سیاسیاش نکن
نمی توانیم بر آن فائق شویم 25.- Insurmountable
26.e.g.: Today's challenges are seemingly insurmountable but with
adequate collaboration we could overcome them.
27.- To live on them
28.- Let's perform ablution and say two segments, shall we?
29.- It's unusual in that ....
30.e.g.: It's unusual in that it rotates in a different direction to the
other planet orbiting the sun
31.- Substantial progress = big
32.- similar in size to earth
33.- unlike earth, it does not have any oceans
34.- extremely hot
35.- thanks to the thick covering of cloud
36.- ... which is why ...
37.- a further problem is the continual thunderstorms
38.- ... which could make life rather unpleasant
39.- the surface of Venus has many craters = hole in the ground
40.- crates = box
41.- as a result of asteroid collisions

42.- next is mercury
43.- unable to sustain life
44.- the voyager space shuttle
45.- Saturn has barely any solid surface as its composition is mostly
46.- it is extremely hot, making life for humans impossible

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Sat, 20 Oct 2018 08:05:37 +0000
97.05.26 Session 20 Occupying Children  

97.05.26 Speaking Workshop Session 20 Occupying Children

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc


  1. Real estate hasn't appreciated as much as has the dollar.
  2. I didn't notice you leave.
  3. Parents should help children develop life skills.
  4. I will have my film developed.
  5. One way to occupy children is to encourage them to make presents for upcoming celebrations.
  6. Don't be tempted to ...
  7. Volatile: بی ثبات
  8. Cite examples/reasons
  9. When/while writing an essay, you should cite examples as well as reasons.
  10. Not only do they enjoy making arts and crafts but also you can save money.
  11. Keep them active.
  12. They are sure to get bored.
  13. What have you از این دست....
  14. Bound to ...محکوم به
  15. She Speaks English fluently, her mother is American after all.
  16. Pathetic خاک بر سرش، بدبختا ، متاسفم
  17. Dump litter آشغال ریختن

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 17 Aug 2018 13:54:11 +0000
97.06.09 Session 22 Lang & Communication  

97.06.09 Speaking Workshop Session 22 Lang & Communication

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc


  1. By Mary Khorami
    1-Struggle =grapple
    Struggle by/with
    I remember the first time I started to learn language, I really struggled
    with it.
    Some Iranian families are grappling with economic problems.
    ' محل اس رتس-2
    I study psychology, I am familiar with psychological problems.
    3- unlike / as opposed to/ as against. /in contrast to.

    unlike most countries in the world who have a normal relationship with
    the US, Iran is their enemy.
    از توان من خارج است 4- I am overwhelmed
    I can endure little stress, this amount of stress overwhelmed me.
    Do not overwhelm the students with too much vocabulary.
    پشتكار داش رت5- persevere
    When I was starting learning English, everybody made fun of me, but I
    ignored their snide comments and persevered.
    Soon I was scoring 10 out of ten.
    6- by the time/before I got to university, I could produce essays and
    translate 18 century texts without much difficulty.
    .كارتش را از جبيش درآورد و نشان داد7- she produced her card
    8-As part of my university course I had to go and live in France for a
    9- That’s when I learned that communication is more important than
    اون وقت بود كه فهميدم... .accuracy
    10- No sooner+had+Subject+ p.p
    No sooner had I sat down than one of the students asked a question.
    No sooner had she opened the present than she returned it. Returned it.
    Returned it.
    11- trying to find accommodation is a nightmare.
    12- there is no point in talking to these people.
    13-Hold the conversation

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 17 Aug 2018 13:54:11 +0000
97.06.16 Session 23 Hometown  

97.06.16 97.06.16 Session 23 Hometown 

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc


  1. I would like to thank our friend, Mary Khorami, for going above and
    beyond to prepare this piece:
    2- unaware غافل
    We brought them to power unaware that they are evil.
    3-Commit/perpetrate/carry out/engage in/do a crime
    They gave him capital punishment because he had perpetrated a
    heinous crime.
    He was given a death sentence because he had committed a heinous
    جنگ راه انداخت4-to wage war
    ابعاد فاجعه/ عظمت اشتباه 5-enormity of the crime
    كمبود-كسرى- تفاوت7-shortfall
    What is the shortfall?
    8-they mete out a punishment. = give
    9-common sight = usual
    Street fight is a common sight.

    10-those into water sports are well catered for.= they will enjoy every
    11-scenic=spectacular=eye catching=breathtaking
    13-treacherous road=dangerous road
    14-it is well worth it مى ارزه
    It is well worth the energy/effort
    15-the surrounding countryside is scenic.
    16-pretty sleepy village = not very noisy or active
    محصولى كه از مزرعه ب ريون مى آيد)17-Produce(n
    محصولى كه تحت فرايند خاص در كارخانه توليد شود)Product(n
    Production(n)نحوه توليد
    18-stretch of land
    Why should we come to your village?
    We have long stretches of white sand.
    تلفظ اسم و فعل متفاوت است
    20-my bedroom overlooks the street.
    21-cosmopolitan city= a city where different cultures live.
    22-as well as=also
    I have a brother as well as a sister.
    He is a teacher as well as a preacher.
    23-downside =less pleasant
    پرپيچ و خم و شيبدار24-steep and windy

    25-crisp air= fresh & cold air

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 17 Aug 2018 13:54:11 +0000
97.06.23 Session 24 Time  

97.06.23   Session 24 Time 

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc


  1. By Mary Khorrami
    1-Many a driver has died in this treacherous road.
    Many a scientist has fallen for this temptation.
    2-Produce, Record, increase, decrease: when used as a noun, stress is on
    the first syllable and when are used as a verb, stress is on the second
    But for the word “Report”, stress on the noun & the verb is the same.
    3-lose track of time= not feel the passage of time
    4- latest & last
    Last means final or the end
    e.g., It is the last book of Shakespeare.
    e.g., It is my last session (there wouldn’t be another one)
    Latest means most recent
    e.g., It is the latest version of the software
    5-I must say
    مى خوام حقيق ىت را اذعان كنم
    I must say I’m such fickle.
    بوالهوس Fickle
    6-in fact

    )براى بيان ابعاد و جزئيات بيش ىت به كار مى رود(
    I’m never on time, in fact I was late for meetings three days in a row last
    He is a cruel dictator, in fact he has killed 1 million people.
    7- successive/ in a row/back to backپياپ
    يك رضبon end
    He is so talkative/ a chatterbox, he speaks for two hours on end.
    8-tend to معمولا
    I tend to keep people waiting a lot.
    European tend to succeed at the TOEFL exam whereas Asians tend to
    excel at IELTS.
    9- engrossed in sth مجذوب
    When I watch series, I get so engrossed that I lose track of time, in fact
    once I forgot to eat for three days in a row.
    10-before I knew it,هيچ نشده
    (used to day that sth happens very quickly)
    If you persist, you can master your job before you knew it.
    11- I do my utmost= I do my best
    12-I spent too much time driving/getting ready.

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 17 Aug 2018 13:54:11 +0000
97.04.29 Session 16 A Child's Milestones  

97.04.29 Speaking Workshop Session 16 A Child's Milestones

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc

1. Drink from a cup/glass/Chah ZamZam
2. Milestones are reached. e.g.: walking of a child is a milestone.
3. word sentences
4. By and large = generally
5. To launch awareness campaigns
6. In terms of : as far as sty is concerned
7. Progress & regress
8. GPD : Gross Domestic Product
تولید ناخالص ملی
سرانه تولید ناخالص ملی
: 9. GPD per capital
11.By 22 of Bahman I will have lived in Tehran for 25 years.
12.By this summer I will have had my car for 2 years.
13.They will have acquired some social skills.
14.Test parental behavior/responses
15.Surrender : give up
تسلیم شدن
16.They haven't surrendered yet but they will have surrendered by end of
this year!
17.What are you talking about? They had surrendered before you were
born. sit up unassisted

19.Moment, momentary, momentarily. E.g. our life is momentary and we
live momentarily.
20.- Power cut: power failure
قطعی برقe.g.: the power cut is momentary.
21.As far as communication is concerned.
22.Shake your head & nod your head
23.- Nodding acquaintance: to know someone but not very well!
24.Cognitive ability/ development
25.Will have pp. (if it is fact) => has pp.
26.e.g.: the baby will have reached the toddler stage => the baby has
reached the toddler stage.
27.Occasional tantrum
ناآرامی کردن
28.Throw a tantrum

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 06 Jul 2018 12:04:36 +0000
97.05.05 Session 17 Childhood Memories  

97.05.05 Speaking Workshop Session 17 Childhood Memories

Telegram Channel: @sabaitc

1. An insatiable appetite
2. He just turned 10.
3. Spoiled brat: بچه شیطون
4. The team has been promoted ≠ relegated
5. Match fixing تبان کردن
6. They have destroyed our country / our country has been
مخدوش کردن :7. Tarnish
8. Trying to keep up with the Joneses. چشم و هم چشمی
9. Reminiscing about sth: remember good things about the
past /feel nostalgic
10. Good old days: یادش بخی
پیاز داغش رو زیاد میکنه :11. Give it a spin
12. Validate / Verify
13. When you tell a secret, no longer is it one (a secret).
14. My message is message (one) of hope.
15. Wear perfume / a mustache / an accent /...
16. becomes you: suits you بهت میاد
17. Remember me to your family: سلام منو به خانواده برسون

18. Look back: in retrospect: with/in hindsight
19. Sack: Fire
20. Tear up = burst into tears
21. Retentive memory: one which remembers anything
22. Think of نظرم اینه
23. Visualize = form a picture
24. Associated with ... = in connection

Fridays Speaking Workshop 1397 Fri, 06 Jul 2018 12:04:36 +0000