Mondays Fri, 20 Sep 2024 23:54:51 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management fa-ir (IELTSTOEFLCENTER) Brain-Drain, Mahdis Jamali  

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Nowadays brain-drain is globalized .it is like losing vital resources. Skilled people from poor countries immigrate to developed countries to improve their circumstances. Migrating to other countries is a phenomenon that can be rooted in the ancient period of human’s civilization, people move from one place to another place for better life, environment, conditions, and welfare. So what is the motivation of immigrant to leave their motherlands and settle in another country? It may spring from many reasons but what is clear is that brain drain emanates from may arise from low salary, poor condition, discrimination, poor facilities and so on. This issues can put humans under great pressure and cause them to feel disappointed in life. As a result, in order to brighten their future, they came up with the idea to go abroad to seek what they can not find in their current homeland. brain drain is a huge disaster, because if skilled people leave poor countries, the country encounter with lack of qualified persons and then dependence to developed countries .for example, if professional engineers leave developing countries and settle in developed ones, the origin country faced with lack of specialized engineers and consequently they can not improve their industry level and they obliged to rely on developed countries forever. In order to encounter this crisis, the government should find the reason and solve it. for example, it can be done by hiking the salary of talented individuals and consider special benefit for them .furthermore , the government should provide essential facilities for skilled persons to this way, talented people feel respected and important and it will increase the chance for them to stay in their country. In conclusion, in severe condition, migration to developed countries is inevitable but with some actions regarding to the improvement of life quality, countries can avoid brain drain. if talented people receive the condition and facilities they deserved, they prefer not to depart from their country and stay there.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:50:55 +0000
Characteristics We are Born, Eslami  

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Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence? There is a controversial debate over the topic whether which one has much more influence to make individual's personality nature or nurture. New research has approved that inborn talents has a greater effect on personage and development than latter. In this essay, I will describe both sides and finally clear my point of view. Undoubtedly, humans were born with specific innate properties. These natural traits could easily make our identities and demands in future life. These talents are different from people to people even in identical twins. When we grow older, these present at birth talents will guide us to choose better opportunities and make intelligence selections. Some individuals have numerous innate characters and finding them an early ages lead to tremendous achievements in oncoming years. For instance, Michael Phelps, an American retired competitive swimmer and the most successful and most decorated Olympian of all time, has long hands in compare of his foots and this amazing style is the key secret of his recorders. On the other hand, every mankind gets huge numbers of knowledge and experiences from his family, friends and other sources. It is clear that with proper education and training our hidden talents will sprout and create better prospective in advance. For more emphasize, just imagine athletic champions, they have started their specific trends with excellent training when they were child and this perfect upbringing is the main cause of their champions. To put it in a nutshell, for creating characteristics and personality both inborn tendency and correct rearing are necessary, but from my estimation, environmental conditions and effect of society beside training and education have much more influence to create individual's personality.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:50:42 +0000
Children Learning Foreign Language, Farshid  

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Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Nowadays it is obvious that learning foreign language is significant teaching it at primary school to the children has own advocates while the others think that it is better for children to learn it at secondary school. In this essay I will compare both sides. To start with, learning foreign language at primary school can be confusing therefore, not only forget their native language but also they do not learn second language well hence their hate to learning new language. In addition, the primary school is the base for children`s development in terms of science and behavioral, pushing them forward to learn additional subjects such as new language might disturb them as well as wasting their time while they get away from their main plan. On the other hand, pupils at primary school are fast learners as a matter of fact curiosity at that age would help them to learn nimble in comparison with the older age. Another merit is that they are less self-conscious or shy, helping them to speak greater and the more they speak the sooner they learn. Besides, games play a vital role in the kid`s world which is the excellent opportunity for teachers to teach them anything especially a foreign language through that. To sum up, if I have this chance to vote, although it has own drawbacks but I would vote for learning at primary school by cause of overbalance merits of that furthermore todays foreign language is as critical as the math which it is better for children to learn it as soon as they can.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:50:29 +0000
Children Money Matters, Faeghe  

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Many people believe that parents should teach their children about money matters. What are the best ways to teach a child about money, in your opinion. Give some examples from your own experience. That money plays a significant role in our life is an undeniable fact, hence the necessity of knowing money matters. Therefore, many opine that children should be taught regarding money by parents. From my point of view, the more practical methods parents use for their offspring, the more beneficial for them. First and foremost, children accompany their parents when they intend to do banking affairs. Not only do these activities introduce to children to financial concepts practically, but they also learn better than theoretical training. For example, I remembered that it was up to me to pay the tuition of the English class when I was only 13 years old. Other than that, parents should give their charges monthly allowance to teach them how to manage both their money and their needs. Applying this method, children learn how to be a thrifty person. To put in perspective, lest they spend it all at once. Moreover, they should avoid spending their money on either unnecessary expenditure or extravagance, so they learn how to spend money wisely. Last but not least, another a very controversial method is child laboring. Despite our bad experiences about this issue, it means children who help their parents in chores can get reward from their parents. By the same token, they should be awarded with money, so they learn money is earned by being responsible for completing tasks. In a nutshell, only when children are well-trained, can they make better choices. Therefore, it is incumbent on parents to teach children either with compulsory or encouraging methods.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:50:12 +0000
Definition of Success, Amir G  

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Some people think that the only way to judge someone’s success in business is by the amount of money they make. Is this a true indicator of the success of a business and in what other ways could success in a business be measured? A large portion of people consider wealth a sign of success in business. Whilst this is a key factor in evaluating success, many arguably hold the idea that a wider view should be considered for a deeper evaluation of success. This short essay will elaborate this contentious topic. It is true that in most businesses, the main purpose of activity is financial profits, but this does not seem as complete as humanity expect. Many an individual who earns a lot of money through illegal activities such as drug dealing or embezzlement are financially successful, but their activity is harming an overwhelming majority of people for sure. Being drown in money, drug dealers can be categorized as successful persons amongst many who do not know where the wealth came from. Many claim that other factor should be added to financial criteria of success. Respecting the morality and benefiting people in need are two of the most significant factor playing crucial roles in a wider definition of success. Morale of course is of great importance in every movement. Each and every activity can be profitable if the owners do not respect ethical standards. Selling an expired medicine in underdeveloped countries, or export a certain commodity where those items are hard to find with an exorbitant price are cases in point for prosperous businesses disregarding high values of humanity. To sum up, financial success do not necessarily prove a success in a business. A true success, from my point of view, has wider definitions. Only if we change the materialistic viewpoints in societies and include high human values can we expect a better place to live.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:49:59 +0000
Government Budget, Narges  

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There is much debate revolving about the issue weather the government has to provide funding for arts or it should spend money on public health and education. In my opinion, public health and education require more budget than arts. However, the value of arts in the society is not covered foe people. I defense my assumption by the following reasons and examples. The primary reason is related to enough money on public health and educational systems, provides suitable facilities and equipment for these domains. For example, in the emergency occasions, these facilities will be come in handy and convenient. So people can tackle a lot of problems. The second reason is about the priority of life. Everybody concedes that some qualification of life are initial and primary. The first items which come to the people's mind are about health and education. Without being healthy , people would not be able to carry out their tasks and neither they look for their favorite careers. Furthermore, education can dedicated people in the high ranked levels of a society. Moreover, it can absorb the managers' attraction wanting to employee the graduated students. Hence, people coherence the public health and education more essential than arts. On the other hand ,the art fields might be practical for enhancing the quality of human being's lives. Despite of considering the necessity of arts , the health and education are more worthy . In conclusion, the government should pay more attention on the health and education instead of arts due to the importance of them which I had explained before.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:49:42 +0000
Museum Visitors' Satisfaction Level Chart, Ali Khaleghifard  

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The figure presents two related information about Ashdown Museum for two separate years, that is before and after renovation. Firstly, it shows how many people visited the museum and secondly how positive they were after doing so. At first look, it can be obviously seen that not only have the Ashdown Museum visitor statistics risen dramatically from 74000 to 92000 persons, but also the level of satisfaction. The proportion of visitors who were satisfied and very satisfied in the year before refurbishment totally were 45 per cent, 30 per cent and 15 per cent respectively, while those of the year after renewing were 75 per cent altogether, that is 40 and 35 per cent in the same order. Another data which can be fetched from the chart is the percentage of visitors who did not respond to the surveys remained at the five per cent in those two periods. Moreover, whereas visitor dissatisfaction shows a marked decrease from 40 to 15 per cent, the museum experienced a five-percent-decline in the share of those who were very dissatisfied. In overall, although renovation lead to just five per cent reduction in the proportion of the Ashdown Museum visitors who were very dissatisfied, the total share of those who were satisfied and very satisfied had an extremely considerable / considerably positive increase from 45 to 75 per cent, besides escalation of the number of visitors.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:49:27 +0000
Parenthood, Saleh  

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Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Nowadays, some people claim that women play a crucial role at in upbringing of children in comparison of to men throughout the world. However, the others believe both men and women have equal effect on raising children. In this essay I am going to ponder on both ideas as to whether women are better in parenting or men with moral judgement. It is true that in many countries mothers play an important role in raising children because they spend chunk of their times with their offspring, since a large number of them stay at home and do not work especially in third world countries. Furthermore, women naturally are sensitive and not aggressive easily so they can provide more calm and joy for their children, taking good care of them in their diverse period of time. Thus, women have essential effect on children’s future. On the contrary, men also play a crucial role in upbringing of children due to their financial responsibilities. They can provide whole necessities for their offspring as well as essential educating facilities. Apart from that, fathers’ behaviour has extremely much of an influence on children’s behaviour since they get involved with their fathers, seeing themhim as a role model for their future, hence the crucial role of fathers. In conclusion, not only does the existence of both women and men have major influence on kids’ life, but also if one of them does not exist due to divorceing or deathdie, children will have some problems in their future because of lack of mother or father. hence, both father and mother have a key role inon kids’ future.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:49:10 +0000
Petrol Price and Traffic, Mosadegh  

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Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective? These days, air pollution and traffic jam are two crucial issues for every metropolis. There is no doubt that both mentioned problems directly are related to how has been formed its infrastructures which is an important part of each city. In my opinion, this agreement matter has different aspects to tackle with and just simply rising in fuel cost is not a proper solution to remove the pollution from air or control traffic congestion. In the following, possible approaches for solving these issues are discussed. The presence of private car especially during rush hour is an inevitable condition which blocks all of the main high ways. However, imposing expensive price on fuel is useful to decrease the number of cars; it is not absolute and more practical task to do. There are a lot of inhibiters to stop having traffic jam in a city. For instance, amending all fleets of public transportation and also adds some new and modern one. Not only should authorities pay attention to public transportation, but also there is a need to expand and create new roads and highways. To deal with air pollution we require to use alternative sources of energy such as renewable and natural one which cannot add pollutants and aerosols to the air. To encounter this policy all companies or manufactures which work in the electrical and Nanotechnology area should be persuaded to cooperate to apply produce or extract these alternative sources of energy. To sum up, all petrol products are fatal and unreliable. For far future we will have to replace all sources of current energy with renewable one without ending. All these facts are essential for having a sustainable development in society. At the end, it should be considered to solve the issue of traffic congestion. There is a necessity of collaborating between citizens and mayor to face with exceeding vehicle instead of bicycle or public transport.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:48:55 +0000
Remote Working, Boshra  

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Many employees may work at home with the modern technology. Some people claim that it can benefit only the workers, and does not benefit employers at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Due to the high pace of technological progress, individuals are capable of doing their jobs at home without being in the work place regularly. Some researchers assume that this phenomenon is of great benefit merely for the employee. Some others, however, assert vice versa, and think that it is beneficial for both employers and workers. I, personally, do wholeheartedly agree with the latter group. First and foremost, freelancers get free of the burden of commuting to work in a regular basis. Not only can they save money allocated to transporting to work, but they also have significantly more time to spend with their family. Carrying out companies’ projects at home, doer has much more concentration that leads to a better result for the workplace. In addition, some appealing points in regard to remote working is having a flexible time table for doing work and wearing casual and convenient cloth while doing duties to name just a few. Considering employers profits, they should not spend huge sums of money to renting or buying a spacious venue as their office or purchasing some facilities like a computer system. Further and even more importantly, they can provide the hired people with lower rates of salary and even pay less money to insurance centers. Last but not least is associated with the atmosphere of the workplace. by delegating some tasks to freelancers, others can work in a calm and peace full place because of being fewer numbers of people around them. By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position regarding the issue of working in a remote place, and in my opinion it could be an effective way of working for both employee and employers.

Writing Workshop Monday 97.07.09 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:48:41 +0000