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Physical appearance may play an important role in many spheres of life: in the person's success in school, in relationships with people, in the choice of a career path. Say whether you agree or disagree with it, and if you see it as a positive or negative factor. The human being has been involved with the appearance as an irreplaceable fact for centuries, as it has been demonstrated in ancient sculptures. They had been really counting valuedfor what they made them pleased, as they see them. This insight has been substituted with the more prominent realities in life which they seem to be considered this way. To some people, attention may be drawn by a charming physical appearance, however, after a while this most certainly will change. At the outset of daily relationships/interactions, for instance, individuals may be absorbed by the way that their partners looks, but after a duration of time, this is the manner that comes to the scene. Therefore, beauty probably is not the indispensable facefact,. Aat least for longtime relationships. This works for almost all the aspects of life. By the same token, in recent years people typically tend to think subjectively rather than objectively in their daily life. For example, nowadays most countries have been coping with economical breakdown. So thathence, the vast majority of employers have changed their criteria to somethings factors more profound than just beauty, and prefer to recruit a well-educated and highly motivated workforces rather than handsome ones. Although we know an array of people who were managed to obtain a decent position in many areas, it hardly lasts forever. Vividly it is graspable/understandable that taking physical appearance into account should not be an option, giving given that which whatis always remains is the behavior. Furthermore, physical appearance is not a decision made by an individual, but rather a godsenda compulsory to some extent, and people must not be discriminated against or objectifiedy by their looking. In conclusion, people are mostly primarily are attracted physical appearance which is socalled "first impression". But it is not everything, and does not prove one's eligibility. There are surely lots of more important standards to be measured.