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1. The exploration and development of safe alternatives to fossil fuels should be the most important global priority today.to what extent do you disagree or agree? As carbon-based fuels like coal, oil and natural gas are the major sources of energy all over the world, some are of the view that replacing them with safer sources is of the greatest importance among all global issues, and I subscribe to that view. Due to fossil fuels' low-cost and their pivotal role in the production of many items of our daily essentials, the growing population of the world has become more dependent on such resources. Our heavy reliance on these non-renewable fuels, though, has had an adverse influence on the environment. The first drawback of using them is that a substantial amount of carbon dioxide is released when such fuels burn. Carbon emissions are the primary gases responsible for global warming as they add to the greenhouse effect contributing to/which contributes to a reduction in global food production, catastrophic droughts and floods or melting of ice sheets that could eventually raise sea levels which may lead to some cities getting wiped outwiping out. Besides, being exploited excessively, the reservoirs are getting depleting depleted at a faster rate than before. Therefore, the fossil fuels' overconsumption must be a matter of concern to all nations and governments. Resolving this global issue is beyond the capacity of one nation so the governments must co-operate to mitigate the problems. The UK, the USA and Japan for instance, are developing eco-friendly forms of energy like solar or hydroelectric power while many undeveloped countries are not on a par with them. Therefore, a worldwide co-operation is required to bridge the gap and preserve the planet for future generations. Of coursehowever, other global issues like widespread illiteracy and poverty or rising unemployment are also in desperate need of being dealt with. But what makes resolving the energy problems more urgent is that it might be too late if we postpone it. In conclusion, although several issues have been threatening the world and , all of which are crucial to be addressed, I believe that having fossil fuels altered should be prioritized unless we want them severely depleted or ruining the planet.