Fridays Sat, 04 May 2024 23:39:23 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management fa-ir (IELTSTOEFLCENTER) Zakariaee, Children Talent

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95 Nowadays, parents are looking for their children’s inborn skills to improve their abilities. It is accepted that if children have special talents in the art or sports they have more chances to success. The contentious issue is that to what extent we can rely on hard work and teaching to become proficient sportsman or artists without any special genius. On the one hand we know about the people who were proficient in their majors because of their special talents such as Beethoven, Shakespeare as well as Maradona who are famous in art and sport. Children have their own skills and if parents improve these talents, they can be successful in their life. That is why, some institutes are working in on thorough aptitude tests of children’s characters in order to not only finding their capabilities, but also help them flourish them. On the other hand, talents are like seeds which need to be cultivated in order to yield and if one is not willing to put in the work to harvest their talent, then the gifts itself themselves are essentially useless. Having special talents, football superstars are improved their ability by striving and exhausting exercises. For example the students who are registered in music school because of their aptitude, exercise and learn under the high quality of learning criteria to become a professional musician. That’s why some groups believe though having inborn skills are useful and important, but hard working and proper learning are essential and can reimburse campensate lack of talents among the children. To my mind, although combination ofif talent and hard work going hand in hand it will provide better results, but people can overcome their lack of inborn skills by hard perseverance; conversely, talents without hone honing your skills areis futile and cannot result in success.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 99.04.13 Fri, 03 Jul 2020 16:09:05 +0000
Saba Keshavarz, The Environment

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In the recent decades, many environmental problems have increased as the result of human activities and wrong management which have direct effect on the ecosystem. But, why should we really take care of the environment. Environmental problems have escalated alarmingly as repercussions for human activities and poor level of managing in previous decades. But, why people are supposed to show prudence on this issue is discussed below. First of all, the earth is the only place where people can live. There is no other planet with oxygen and water that are the most crucial needs for staying alive respectively. According to the latest research, published by NASA, neither oxygen nor hydrogen has been founded found in three nearest planets such as Mars. This amazing planet is our home. It gives us everything such as: air to breathe, food to consume and shelter to stay safe. It takes care of us, so we had better take care of it in return. Deforestation, toxic waste, marine pollution, water pollution are created by human’s activity. Therefore, those whom suffered most from the side effects is are humans themselvesitself. کارگاھھای آموزشیWhether we believe in karma or not, if something had been done to protectthe ecosystem there would not have been such a karmic situation. Secondly, biodiversity is an essential need that must be considered. We need animals, plants and minerals till the last day of our lives, the same as next generations. For instance, deforestation abounds as a result of modern life. It there should not be dramatic rises in natural resources consumption for our short-term needs. These natural resources are needed and will have been needed till humans areis living on the earth. Without animals we have nothing to eat, without plants, no shelter can be built and also no oxygen can be exist to breathe. Biodiversity plays a vital rule role in continuing of human being existence on the earth. People, animals, plants and all of the creatures existential are depending dependent and connecting connected to each other like a chain. To conclude, the importance of taking care of the environment must be considered as a crucial fact which would be better to be taken more seriously by everyone. It is not just about us, it is about how long human beings will be existed existing on the earth in the future.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 99.04.13 Fri, 03 Jul 2020 16:08:55 +0000
Niloo, Young People Taking Risks

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for the younger people to take risk and explore new things than the older people. It is crystal clear that taking risks has two contradictory points which areis failure or success. By considering both sides we will have pleasant results. In my belief the youth should take risks more than older ones and some reasons persuade me to put forward this viewpoint which I will explain with a couple of example. At the outset, people are more flexible when they are young which means young people can be more adapted with to new conditions rather than older individuals. For instance, migration is one of the most risky issues which young individuals can better handle themselves with a new situation and cope with their problems because they have more energy and they are fresh, can work hard and also think positively compered to older ones. Another noteworthy point is that youths have more opportunities to compensate their failures. It is a given fact that sometimes taking risks encounterrenders you with/results in various failures, so young individuals have more time to rectify their mistakes because their life expectancy are is higher than older people’s/that of older people. For example, most young businessmen return to business with more experiences after their first bankruptcy. Last but not least, by taking risks youths can gain diverse experiences which is conducive to create creating a new better off life but older people did not have sufficient time to create a new life. For instance, the youthful may try several job chances to find out which one can be more beneficial. Although it takes some years to find the best way, they will find out the most efficient way at the end. To recap, older people's less flexibility and energy, as well as life expectancy and short-term opportunities will keep them away/steer them clear of/blow they them away from taking risks, so it can be more practical for youths to take risks in the best way and they should use older individuals' experiences to reduce damage.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 99.04.13 Fri, 03 Jul 2020 16:08:45 +0000
Negar, Internet

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government, instead of individuals, should cover Internet fees. With the expansion of technology in every aspects of human’s humans’ life, it seems impossible to live a life without having the access to the internet. While some believe that individuals based on their own needs, should pay their own internet fees, I think that it is government’s duty because it eases the access for all walks of life, helps the poor to save more money and leaves a positive impression on the whole society. First of all, as the internet is no longer a luxury option that people can choose to have in their lives, it is essential to ease its access for everyone in the society. In a society where its lower class can barely meet their needs, it is probable that many children are deprived of having educational facilities. The more governments allocate budgets to paying internet fees, the more people can benefit from this technology. For example, children in impoverished families now can use online educational platforms to learn academic materials. Those who cannot afford to pay for expensive educative courses, can easily visit free learning platforms such as YouTube or Coursera, honing their skills, that which would otherwise bewas impossible to happen. Therefore, there will be a knowledgeable society in the long run. Moreover, many people, especially those who come from deprived backgrounds, face more strenuous challenges to makemaking ends meet. Not only do they have difficulty meeting their expenses, they will not be able to save some money for times of need. While a huge amount of their income goes for paying taxes, there is no room left to benefit from such facilities. By decreasing the financial burden on lower classes and paying their internet fees, more and more families can save money, or spend that amount of money for other purposes such as health issues/healthcare or purchasing their necessary products. As a consequence, the general wellbeing of society will increase extensively. Finally, every government needs its citizens’ approval/acceptances, because otherwise their reign will not last long. The more people become unsatisfied dissatisfied with their government’s performance, the more it is possible to protest against them. It seems logical that policy makers in societies do some good deeds in order to attract their people’s attention. By paying internet fees, citizens may feel that their government cares about their welfare, doing whatever they can to ease the daily life pressures. Besides, a deeper look shows that by spending money in such areas, they prevent themselves from paying extra expenses. For example, the amount of money that a government should spend to create creating educational facilities for its young generation is much more than that of what they should allocate for paying internet fees. By providing the internet for all social strata, the government’s concern for the equal distribution of education would mitigate, as learning materials is would be accessible even for children who are from disadvantaged areas of the city. As a result, citizens will establish a trust in their government. To sum up, I believe that it is government’s duty to pay internet fees. I suggest that laws need to be established that high amounts/rates of taxes should be levied on wealthy people’s income, so that the budget for paying internet fees is sufficient. By doing so, it leads to a knowledgeable, healthy and trusted society.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 99.04.13 Fri, 03 Jul 2020 16:08:34 +0000

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The government should lower the budget on the arts in order to allocate more money to education. To what extent do you agree? The administration must decrease the foundation on the artistic projects for the purpose of assigning further money to schooling. In my opinion, art is a part of education, lowering the budget on the arts will impact on the quality of education. On the other hand, arts can be lucrative for a city or country. Consequently, they will be profitable for the education system as well. Thus, I am do not agree with this idea. Nowadays, we are using various methods and instruments in education in order to get better results, for the sake of give giving more passion to students and helpign them to learn easier and well. Most of the new techniques and equipment that we are using these days are artistic. Such as, music, videos, statues and even movies. We use historical movies to teach history to the next generations, we use animation or scientific movies for teaching science. Museums, art galleries or theaters are not only a place to visit an artistic masterpiece, but also any of them have a story and a lesson for us especially, for the young stratum. When the government funding funds money for arts, an art gallery for instance or a new theater salon it seems to me, it is not just spending money. It is an investigation investment because it can leads to a stronger economy, by new job opportunities and revenues. Apart fromto being an art gallery, it is a touristic palace as well. People go to museums and theaters every day, they spending their money for admission, entrance, entry entering tickets, buying gifts as a memory or souvenir from gift shops, and meanwhile, they are improving their knowledge. As a result, as much as the government spends money to on arts, they are improving the education system and education’s quality too.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 99.04.13 Fri, 03 Jul 2020 16:08:23 +0000