Fridays Fri, 03 May 2024 05:16:48 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management fa-ir (IELTSTOEFLCENTER) Amir G, Economic Development  

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In recent years some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas but not in the country sides. This situation may bring some problems for the country as a whole. What are these problems? How might they be reduced? During the last decades, the economy in many parts of the world has successfully flourished with an unprecedented speed, and though this is considered one of the main pillars of social development, the side effects of such an improvement is the subject of heated debated amongst a lot of critics. This short essay elaborates on the causes and some possible solutions to this controversial issue. Almost all governments are trying to improve the economy of their respected respective country, so that people can benefit from a higher standard of living. This is certainly a positive step benefiting both members of society and officials, but just like every other aspect of life this progress may has some undeniable drawbacks. Leading a charmed comfortable life, people who live in modern cities enjoy more facilities rather than those in the suburbs, but at the same time overpopulation, air pollution, and astronomically expensive cost of living are typical disadvantages of economic development. In spite of the problems the economic growth may cause to societies, scarcely do these plights prevent a nation from economic achievements. Perhaps, introduction of appropriate tax laws to distribution distribute of public revenue amongst the populace can bridge the gap between the bedroom community and urban areas. In other words, not only can legislation of proper laws accelerate the economic growth, but it also encourages people from all walks of life to turn the economic gears. To cut a long story short, that economic development can solve a wide range of people’s difficulties in almost all societies is an indisputable fact. Preventing a society to from developing from financial aspects can lead to irreparable damages, hence the importance of financial growth despite all its intrinsic plights. It is high time the experts found suitable solutions for the side effects of this priceless step which will indulge an overwhelming majority of people across the globe.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.03.31 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:09:14 +0000
Bita Ebrahimi, Becoming Overweight  

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More and more people are becoming seriously overweight. Some people say that increasing the price of the fattening foods will solve this problem. To What extent do you agree or disagree? Today, presented by the modern era, a today’s lifestyle overshadows all human activities and emerges creates controversial problems such as fatness. I think that although fast food as a fattening type of food is one of the most crucial factors for that, but the cause is not only one of fast food. To begin with, I can say roughly more than half of the individuals get involved with jobs which are the sitting work, spending most of their time in sitting gesturepositions, so the more being inactive physically, the more getting fat. Consequently, although this cutting-edge technology era deserves provides you with whatever is needed only by pushing one click, it gives rise to indolence whose effect can be obesity by itself. Besides, lack of time is as another considerable factor, . gone are the days that people advocate dedicated their time to make making healthy foods and today rarely can you find a person without consuming fast food frequently, because the timetaking image has permeated individuals’ mind. To put it in a nutshell, I personally opine that there are excessively varied various solutions to prevent obesity and fatness while increasing the price of the fattening foods is only one of them. Even though, this solution can be possibly effective, the other ones, as meticulously planned measures, such as encouraging people to do exercise in that it would be a daily routine for them and also employers can dedicate some break time and designed places to physical activities which not only can it prevent to fatness, but also leads to more efficiently.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.03.31 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:09:01 +0000
Iman, A Freiend Come to Your City  

جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.

A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay. Owed indebted to the new forms of lifestyles generated by modern societies, freedom of choosing the place an individual appeal is willing to live is gradually becoming a world-widely accepted phenomenon in human life whilst our historical counterparts mostly were to pursue their ancestors’ way of almost all aspects of living, including that of the place. A friend of mine is going to immigrate to where I am living and I think he will face some unexpected conditions in the pros and cons of it. To begin with, enjoying from the uncountable founds circulating in every socio-economic structures and institution, not only can metropolises offer their citizens lots of highly southsought-after opportunities in terms of educational and professional careers but also they equip their residents with a rich pluralistic outlook generated by a plethora of sub-cultures coexisting together in one place. Additionally,” there is a lot to do” is a common statement in describing a big city which can include many activities like going to museums, theaters, parks, malls, restaurants, and many others. Provided with these accommodations, my friend will be definitely fond of my city. The reverse/flip side of the coin ushers us to some familiarly dark aspects attributing to these types of cities. Humped by an enormous population, big cities will fade the self-identities step by step. In fact, psychologically many of a resident shows a kind of depression caused by the feeling of being humiliated in metropolises by the scales which relates to not only the population but also everything constructed in the most parts of these types of cities like skyscrapers or highways. Moreover, suffocated by almost all identifiable kinds of pollutions, metropolises rarely can make a healthy choice for people who are seeking it, especially those coming from a well-conditioned little town like my poor friend. In a nutshell, it needs thousands of papers to investigate this very issue but for him, the advantages will overweigh outweigh the downsides although these pitfalls have damaged the otherwise perfect credibility of my city.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.03.31 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:08:50 +0000
Mohamad, Newspapers  

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Some people think that newspapers are the best media to learn and get information from, while others believe that the Internet is a better source. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. The flow of information spread by media has been higher than ever, and people are exposed to various sources of the news. While many still view newspapers as the best forms of media to become informed, others are of the opinion that the Internet can now be considered to be the primary source of the news. On the one hand, the internet has revolutionized the world of journalism and the way the news spread. First, using the internet, everyone is now able to inform the public via different mobile applications and computer programs. In fact, it is, these days, the a matter of pushing a button to share our stories and thoughts with the world. So instantaneous and convenient has now the communication become that almost everyone is able to function as a journalist in a community and cover the news that others need to know. This, indeed, is the end of the newspapers’ monopoly of presenting the news. Secondly, the fact that it is the public and ordinary people that now can tell the news gives the internet a distinct advantage over the newspapers as perhaps it is easier to consider the piece of the news less biased. Being financially supported, politically directed, or even deliberately founded by a certain party or group of society, newspapers are believed to be more subjective and cover the news discriminately. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that the news on the internet is true. There has been a great deal of discussion on the matter of ‘fake news’ which has become extremely prevalent. The nature of the internet makes one to present the incidents and events as it pleases one. In fact, the internet is so extremely saturated with unreliable rumors, allegations and accusations which fail to provide any impeccable source and serves only as tools to tarnish someone’s reputation or remove the remove the stain on someone’s name. It is no surprise that presidential candidates’ strongest arsenal is perhaps social media to gain peoples’ people’s votes. This has been clearly illustrated in the last American presidential election. To conclude, although many may maintain that the internet has surpassed newspapers as the main source of news through its convenience and objectivity, it seems to me that a sheet of newspaper is worth millions of undependable internet pages replete with fake news.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.03.31 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:08:39 +0000
Mojtaba Raznahan, Job Satisfaction  

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As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? It is fair to say that many people in their early twenties constantly fantasize about their dream career. However, not everyone will be successful at finding a vocation that they have been dreaming about. That is because society is not well-equipped yet to provide ease for every member of the workforce. The monetary elements of jobs come at the top of the list when it comes to defining a suitable working environment. For one, having a reasonable salary would mean employees are able to provide for their families, hence their sense of contentment. That includes receiving bonuses on the basis of performance, plus a variety of incentives such as coupons for sports amenities and recreational centers. Moreover, experiencing a sense of social bond at work would also count for having job satisfaction. For instance, being granted with honors and awards in the event of any achievement, not only does boosts an employee’s performance but even more, it strengthens the loyalty within people who work for the company. That said, it is evident that society is far from such ideal work settings. Countries today are miles distant from the concepts like financial inclusion, let alone job satisfaction for all the employees. Companies need to bear the burden of taxes, market competitors, and economic crises that make businesses too paralyzed to consider maneuvering over employees’ perks. On the bright side, however, thanks to the recent technological developments that also carry wealth along, a future wherein the workforce is covered provided with high job standards is definitely foreseeable. Many might still argue that the world would not see a time when every and each one of the workers feels content at their workplace. Nonetheless, as the signs of global financial development are showcasing themselves in a multitude of aspects, job satisfaction for all walks of life would not be a surreal notion.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.03.31 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:08:23 +0000
Nasrin, Unhealthy Lifestyle  

جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.

Nowadays people have adopted an unhealthy lifestyle. Why do you think this is? How could this problem be solved? Although one of the most important goals of developments in technology is to improve quality of life, it is claimed health problems are becoming more widespread in parts of the developed world. While various reasons lead people to choose an unhealthy way of living, there are many measures that the government can take to tackle the problem. There are diverse factors which affect people’s state of health. Firstly, people’s daily routine is increasingly sedentary., with the emergence of technology, a vast majority of household chores have been done by machines and most of the people tend to do desk jobs which requires less physical activitiesactivity. Secondly, some of the people rely on pre-prepared meals and fast foods which mostly consist of too much salt, fat, sugar and stale ingredients. Finally, the modern lifestyles are extremely stressful because people have to work long hours with strict deadlines and have less time to relax and put their mind at ease. To remedy the situation, the government can play an active role by adopting different methods in informing people about healthy issues. Warnings about consequences of unhealthy lifestyle will motivate people to change their way of living/life. Besides, the state can supervise the food industry to control the food production and the quality of ingredients. In addition, the government can play their put by banning junk foods from school menus and commercial advertisements. In conclusion, people’s life have has become unhealthier since they have notdo not have adequate time to cook, exercise and rest. TheGovernment can take various steps to mitigate the effects of a hectic lifestyle on people’s wellbeing..

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.03.31 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:08:12 +0000